There are 783 resources from England.
Paper: 21.04.20
Basic Income and Independent Living
The independent living movement must be included in the conversation about universal basic income.
Article: 20.04.20
Public Spending in Sheffield
Joshua Shepherd analysed public spending in Sheffield in order to understand the impact of the UK's centralised…
Article: 18.04.20
Scientists Inform, Leaders Lead
Alain Catzeflis argues that the UK Government's behaviour during the COVID-19 crisis looks worryingly like…
Paper: 08.04.20
Participation at 45 Degrees
Colin Miller has compiled 12 short essays on techniques for citizen-led change and constitutional reform in…
Film: 08.04.20
Universal DisCredit
The Canary supported Videoblogg Productions to produce a documentary describing the problems with the Universal…
Article: 06.04.20
Does COVID-19 mark the end for markets in the NHS?
UK Government response to the COVID-19 is an implicit acknowledgement of the limitations and dangers of a marketised…
Article: 06.04.20
COVID-19, The Black Death and Basic Income
Bill Jordan explains why COVID-19, like the Black Death before it, may finally push the current elites to accept the…
Article: 02.04.20
The Upstream Response to COVID-19
Dr Simon Duffy sets out some key principles to guide local communities as they develop their response to the COVID-19…
Album: 02.03.20
Self-Directed Support Graphics
Infographics on self-directed support developed for the SDS Network.
Article: 25.02.20
The DWP Fails People with a Learning Disability
Neil Carpenter describes the barriers to justice and economic security created by the DWP's systems.
Film: 25.02.20
A global force for change
Citizen Network is a global non-profit cooperative movement, formed to create a world where everyone matters.
Article: 25.02.20
Talk Shop - Citizens Assemble
Citizens Assemblies are all the rage, but the Talk Shop model offers a low cost and grassroots approach which can…
Paper: 25.02.20
The Hub at Yeovil
The Hub at Yeovil is an example of a community bringing young disabled people together to build lives of citizenship and…
Article: 24.02.20
Buurtzorg and Self-Management
Buurtzorg is a powerful social innovation, started in the Netherlands, which enables self-management and…
Paper: 18.02.20
A Commissioners' Guide to Individual Service Funds
This guide offers a commissioner's perspective on how to implement Individual Service Funds and widen self-directed…
Paper: 17.02.20
Self-Direction Worldwide
Lynn Breedlove observes the competing conceptions of self-directed support emerging around the world.
Album: 29.01.20
Local Area Coordination Graphics
Infographics on Local Area Coordination created by Ralph Broad, Simon Duffy and Eddie Bartnik.
Slide: 28.01.20
Truth and Citizenship
Simon Duffy gave this presentation on the ecology of disability rights at the annual Norah Fry and Sue Porter Memorial…
Paper: 28.01.20
Adventurous Social Work?
Tim Keilty shares how self-directed support can help families: stay safe, and avoid their children going into care.
Article: 22.01.20
Learning from Penzance Citizens Panel
Gavin Barker shares lessons learnt from the recent Penzance Citizens Panel on Housing, Homelessness and Low Pay.
Paper: 21.01.20
ALLFIE Manifesto for Inclusive Education
The Alliance for Inclusive Education's (ALLFIE) manifesto demands Government moves to a fully inclusive education…
Story: 19.12.19
3 Self-Directed Support Stories
Three stories from Finland of how self-directed support is beginning to work in practice plus other resources
Project: 13.12.19
Day Centres Without Walls
Innovations for day centres for people with intellectual disabilities.
Article: 10.12.19
UK Food Banks in 2019
Lizzie Peck provides an overview of the emergence and rapid growth of food banks since the Coalition Government and the…
Article: 08.12.19
Undercooked Analysis
Steve Griffiths argues that the Institute for Fiscal Studies has failed to be objective in its analysis of Labour's…
Paper: 07.12.19
Social Work Writing and Bureaucracy
Why has writing reports, plans, case notes and assessments come to dominate everyday social work, often at the price of…
Article: 07.12.19
Accountancy is not Economics
Steve Griffiths examines the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) critique of of Labour's 2019 Manifesto and discovers…
Paper: 02.12.19
Advancing Inclusive Schooling in Latin America
Further reflections from StepanÃa Duarte Mora and David Towell on advancing the journey to inclusive and quality…
Article: 01.12.19
Why I Wrote Second Class Citizens
Stef Benstead found that many people, like Christian Conservatives, care about poverty but have false beliefs about…
Article: 29.11.19
NHS Reform: Money Can't Buy Love
David Zigmond argues that more money alone won't restore the NHS to the values of its birth. The NHS needs more trust,…
Paper: 27.11.19
Influences and Consequences
In the conclusion to the Preventable Harm Project Mo Stewart shows how US companies and right-wing ideology have…
Article: 14.11.19
Private Firms Can Serve the Public
Gary Wootton explains how the state can overcome the limitations of markets by creating procurement systems that…
Paper: 14.11.19
The Journey to Inclusive Schooling
This new guide shares eight case studies from schools already well-advanced in the journey to inclusivity now…
Article: 13.11.19
The Reform of Social Care Regulation
John Burton explains why the regulation of social care must change its culture and why we need something more human and…
Film: 12.11.19
Basic Income and Equal Citizenship
Dr Simon Duffy of the Centre for Welfare Reform and UBI Lab Sheffield gave this talk on basic income and the idea of equal…
Article: 12.11.19
Narrative Approaches and Inclusion
Colin Newton provides an overview of the emerging use of narrative approaches in psychology and their relationship to…
Paper: 08.11.19
A New Deal for Sheffield Old Folk
This 1951 paper shows how social policy has and has not changed since World War II and suggests that we have made less…
Paper: 04.11.19
Grow a Better Future
In this paper Steve Newman demonstrates that it is entirely possible to reimagine housing, planning and development…
Slide: 03.11.19
The Partner State
Reimagining care with the Commons and peer to peer (P2P) alternatives.
Slide: 03.11.19
Fixing Social Care
This presentation was hosted by the Yorkshire branch of the Socialist Health Association at an event to explore…
Slide: 01.11.19
Individual Service Funds (ISFs) in Context
An overview of the development of Individual Service Funds (ISFs) - what they are and how they are developing
Slide: 28.10.19
Piloting for Self-Directed Support
Simon Duffy, Kate Fulton and Tim Keilty shared their work with leaders in Finland in order to explore how best to pilot…
Slide: 28.10.19
Adventurous Social Work
The reality of self-directed support for social workers and helping families to develop practical solutions.
Slide: 28.10.19
Self-Directed Support and Social Justice
Self-directed support is a matter of social justice... but it is constantly threatened by consumerism and…
Paper: 23.10.19
Canaries in the Coal Mine
Newcastle Council for Voluntary Service (NCVS) share their 2019 report on the state of the voluntary, community and…
Article: 23.10.19
When in doubt ask the children
Young people are our best resource, Colin Newton of Inclusive Solutions shares 6 simple steps to encourage inclusion.
Paper: 17.09.19
Social Value Policy and Framework
This policy sets out the legal context for social value and an approach a council could adopt to deliver social value…
Article: 17.09.19
Making the Private Sector Serve the Public Good
Gary Wootton argues that we can do so much more to improve society by ensuring that the private sector works to serve the…