There are 770 resources from England.
Article: 25.05.21
An Ode to the Citizen Spirit of Sheffield
Sheffield has proud history of combining diverse peoples and communities into a greater whole, with a commitment to…
Reviews: 24.05.21
Paint Your Town Red
David Towell reviews a new book describing the realities of the Preston model.
Article: 14.05.21
Improve Health by Growing Community
Our health is damaged by isolation, inequality and powerlessness, so we must reconnect people by conscious community…
Article: 12.05.21
Disability Activism for the Environment
Disabled people can be champions for community and environmental change and active citizenship brings personal…
Webinar: 07.05.21
A New Way Home
John Dalrymple and Frances Brown speak about their work with Radical Visions in Scotland and their guide A New Way Home.
Webinar: 05.05.21
Organising for Neighbourhood Democracy
Rachel Payling, Wendy Lowder and Annabelle Macfadyen joined Angela Fell of the Neighbourhood Democracy Movement.
Article: 04.05.21
Local Area Coordination and Prevention
Nick Sinclair is the Director of the Local Area Coordination Network in England and Wales and describes here the…
Paper: 26.04.21
I Already Have A Job
New research from the Chronic Illness Inclusion project on energy limiting chronic illness and work.
Article: 12.04.21
The Macroeconomic Case Against NHS Privatisation
The economic case for privatisation of the NHS and other public services is false, in fact privatisation is…
Article: 08.04.21
Energy Impairment and Social Care
Many people with energy limiting impairments and chronic illness are not getting social care.
Reviews: 08.04.21
A Wild Love for the World
David Towell reviews a new collection of writings celebrating the lifework of the Buddhist ecologist Joanna Macy.
Film: 06.04.21
Staying Strong, Getting Stronger
Learning Disability England share their stories and the many creative things the learning disability community have…
Paper: 22.03.21
Starcross Hospital
Important testimony from those who lived and worked in a long-stay institution for people with learning…
Paper: 16.03.21
The Creation of Preventable Harm
The Work Capability Assessment (WCA) is a key element of the UK Government's welfare policy and has caused preventable…
Webinar: 03.03.21
DCWW England: PFG the Home of Peer Support
Members of the People Focused Group (PFG) in Doncaster explain what peer support truly means.
Paper: 02.03.21
Pregnant in An Age of Compliance
An exploration of pregnancy amidst the myths of medical technology and power.
Reviews: 12.02.21
The Lonely Century
This new and challenging book by Noreena Hertz outlines the shape of a transformative programme to rebuild community.
Webinar: 11.02.21
The Power of Language
This webinar examines the language that helps and encourages us to leave behind the language that harms.
Paper: 19.01.21
Los Maestros Como Líderes
Una breve guía para lograr una educación inclusiva y de calidad para todos.
Paper: 15.01.21
Teachers As Leaders
A short guide to achieving inclusive and quality education for all.
Article: 14.01.21
The Ideal of Citizenship
Simon Duffy gave this talk to the LAC Network and argues that citizenship is the ideal the world needs today.
Article: 08.01.21
Behind the NHS Logo
The Covid pandemic has challenged and stretched the NHS as never before. What kind of service is likely to emerge and…
Film: 15.12.20
Why Citizenship Matters
What does citizenship really mean and why can the concept change our world for the better?
Film: 15.12.20
Building on Mutual Aid
Basic Income and Neighbourhood Democracy could help us reorganise society and shift power to citizens.
Paper: 14.12.20
Supporting and Developing the Workforce for ISFs
This guide from Skills for Care was developed over several months by the South West Individual Service Fund Network and…
Article: 14.12.20
Mencap's New Strategy
Mencap, who are one of the most important organisations in England working with people with learning difficulties,…
Webinar: 14.12.20
Stigma and Poverty: The Shame Game
Mary O'Hara discusses her book ‘The Shame Game’ sharing the perspectives of people who are living with…
Story: 09.12.20
It's My Choice
James has Down Syndrome and he uses an Individual Service Fund (ISF) to maintain control over his support and his life.
Webinar: 07.12.20
Does the Benefit System Work for You?
Simon Duffy talks to members of Learning Disability England (LDE) about the idea of basic income as a way to reform the…
Training: 07.12.20
The Sensory Projects Training
The Sensory Projects run on the principle that with the right knowledge and a little creativity, inexpensive items can…
Webinar: 06.12.20
Killed By The State? Social Policy Abused
Mo Stewart describes the outcome of 10 years of independent disability studies research into the social policies and…
Article: 17.11.20
We Are NOT Second Class Citizens
Catherine Hale spoke to members of Church Action on Poverty about how welfare reforms have harmed disabled people and…
Reviews: 09.11.20
Sorry We Missed You
Ken Loach's film reveals the brutal reality of the modern gig economy.
Article: 09.11.20
Will the Right Hold the North?
Alain Catzeflis argues that delivering on Brexit won’t be enough to enable the Conservative Party to retain its…
Webinar: 05.11.20
DCWW Greece: Play Unified
Play Unified is a project to introduce inclusive practices into sports activities and link the Special Olympics…
Slide: 01.11.20
Why is Self-Directed Support So Hard?
An overview of the global and historical development of Self-Directed Support (SDS) published in association with…
Slide: 29.10.20
To Hell with Poverty
The Church must make a greater effort to fight the causes of poverty and support the #BasicIncome movement.
Paper: 21.10.20
What Price Preventable Harm?
Mo Stewart summarises the conclusions of the Preventable Harm Project which examined the causes and impact of the…
Webinar: 14.10.20
Much More to Life than Services
Joe Powell All Wales People First and Bob Rhodes LivesthroughFriends explain how people build good lives and the…
Webinar: 14.10.20
DCWW Scotland: Innovations in Supported Employment
Values Into Action Scotland have been leading innovation in supported employment for two decades.
Reviews: 07.10.20
Cities and Communities Beyond COVID-19
A review of Robin Hambleton's Cities and Communities Beyond COVID-19 the sequel to Leading the Inclusive City.
Article: 06.10.20
Welcoming Refugees into Our Communities
How can we change hearts and minds to ensure communities welcome refugees and others who need our help.
Article: 05.10.20
Access to Further Education
Gary Wootton argues that the A-Level scandal has disguised a much greater challenge - supporting those who need a…
Paper: 29.09.20
Service User Involvement in Social Work Education
An evaluation of the involvement of service users and carers in social work education focusing on the UK.
Article: 28.09.20
Do We Need Human Contact In Medical Practice?
Have rapid recent advances in IT rendered traditional face-to-face medical consultations largely redundant?
Article: 28.09.20
A Fair and Just Future for Cornwall
The Cornwall Independent Poverty Forum's report outlining its vision for achieving social justice in Cornwall.
Article: 16.09.20
Popping the Housing Bubble
The UK's housing market is over-inflated and even progressive policies like basic income cannot solve this without…
Paper: 16.09.20
Exploring the Strength of Community
The key to promoting wellbeing for all citizens lies in citizen action and neighbourhood democracy.