There are 783 resources from England.
Article: 15.05.23
Transform Your Language!
Is it really too much trouble just to say or write the words?
Story: 18.04.23
Arty Chats: Cultivating Community at The Forge
Creating art is a great way to open up conversations and help people connect.
Paper: 14.04.23
Health Care Services in Crisis
Three senior NHS consultants explain that the NHS crisis is about its culture and organisation not just money.
Article: 14.04.23
Grassroots Policies Briefing 1
Policies for sustainable farming outlined by Anna Pick of Positive Money, Anne Chapman and Jeremy Buxton.
Webinar: 04.04.23
Part 1: Grassroots Policies
The first webinar in this series focused on the future of farming, sustainability and finance.
Article: 29.03.23
How Much Do People Need to Live On?
The credit finance industry uses a measure of living standards that may be relevant to basic income.
Article: 20.03.23
The Social Role of Friend
Rules that restrict friendship between staff and people with disabilities are harmful and irrational.
Paper: 04.03.23
Sheffield Makes Civil Society
Sheffield has a vibrant civil society but its full potential is not yet realised.
Paper: 04.03.23
Indvidual Service Funds in Residential Care
Service providers can do much more to offer people flexible support and personal budgets.
Article: 03.03.23
In Harmony with Nature
We need to radically reimagine ourselves, Nature and the relationship between us.
Reviews: 03.03.23
Active Hope
An inspiring book to help us face the mess we're in with resilience, creativity and action.
Article: 02.03.23
Persecuting Those in Greatest Need
Toxic welfare policies did not start with the 2010 Coalition Government, many began under New Labour.
Article: 02.03.23
A Culture of Cruelty
Thatcherism and neoliberalism has created a toxic culture that targets disabled people for harm.
Article: 01.03.23
The End of Family Doctors
Commissioning bodies cannot provide the kind of doctors we want and need.
Reviews: 28.02.23
Rethinking Boethius
This ancient text reveals a lost approach to economics thinking that we need to rediscover.
Story: 09.02.23
Precious Plastic East Create Community Connection
Helping people to recycle plastics has been a pathway to growing community.
Article: 20.01.23
How We 'Deliver' Peer Support
The People Focused Group empowers people to take back control and then to make their own life choices.
Reviews: 18.01.23
The Spirited Disaffection of a Vocational Doctor
What can one man’s personal reminiscences tell us about our community’s assets and losses?
Story: 14.01.23
Public Speaking Tips
Public Speaking is a fear many people have in common, Glyn Butcher loves it and shares his approach.
Article: 12.01.23
Neighbourhood Parliaments and Sociocracy
A short history of sociocracy and the development of the movement of Neighbourhood Parliaments.
Article: 11.01.23
Town and Parish Councils
The parish councils of England could be an engine room for real democracy.
Article: 10.01.23
Democracy Through the Looking Glass
Democracy should start in our communities, our streets and our neighbourhoods.
Reviews: 21.11.22
Homes for People and Wildlife
A report offering a vision for how people and wildlife can live in harmony.
Paper: 08.11.22
Biopsychosocial Model or Bio-political Ideology?
Will people with Long-COVID escape the prejudices directed towards people with ME/CFS.
Paper: 08.11.22
The Journey to Inclusion
David Towell and Marcia Rivas Coello reflect on an important UNICEF initiative in Peru.
Paper: 07.11.22
Truth and Citizenship
This Norah Fry lecture explores the conditions necessary for respecting disability rights.
Article: 07.11.22
You Can't Manufacture Doctors
Political talk of solving the NHS recruitment crisis reflects decades of bad policy-making.
Article: 04.11.22
Building the Right Support...
Why we are failing to provide the right support to people and what we can do to fix it.
Article: 17.10.22
The Failure of NHS Leadership
Have recent leaders of the NHS been wilfully blind or deliberately neglectful of their duties?
Reviews: 14.10.22
The Bradford Revolution
Bradford began the destruction of municipal socialism in the pretence of improving local government.
Paper: 14.10.22
The Politics of Fear
How the UK government has created an effective hostile environment for sick and disabled people.
Story: 30.09.22
Growing Community Power through Community poo
Instead of focusing on a problem as a problem convert it into an opportunity for community.
Webinar: 27.09.22
Peer Support Around the World
Peer support is a transformative force for social change with many different forms.
Article: 02.08.22
30 Years on Citizenship
This article and film reviews the work of Simon Duffy on the topic of citizenship.
Film: 29.07.22
A Conversation about Polis with Crowd Wisdom Project
A Conversation about Polis with Crowd Wisdom Project
Paper: 29.07.22
UK Democracy Fit for 21st Century
How to reorganise the constitution of the UK to support genuine democracy and good government.
Handbook: 22.07.22
How to Create a Citizen Assembly
A guide to how citizen assemblies, juries and panels work.
Paper: 18.07.22
Work is Neighbourhood Business
UBI means we can respond to the Fourth Industrial Revolution by growing neighbourhood support for work.
Film: 10.07.22
Introducing Democratic Yorkshire
The project to develop a new vision for Yorkshire began at the 2022 Festival of Debate.
Article: 29.06.22
DWP on Trial
Neil Carpenter describes the price people with learning difficulties pay for the DWP's welfare reforms.
Story: 28.06.22
Jason's Story
What do we hope for our children and could Yorkshire take back control of its own destiny?
Album: 26.06.22
UK Poverty Data in Graphics
Infographics showing how poverty is created by the unfairness of the UK tax-benefit system.
Article: 23.06.22
My Mental Health
Glyn explains how he manages the voices he hears and how, with help from his peers, he's turned his life around.
Article: 22.06.22
Open Letter on Regional Devolution
A letter to Gordon Brown's Commission on Regional Devolution calling for a Citizens' Assembly.
Training: 02.06.22
Self Directed Futures Training
Active learning and coaching from Self Directed Futures.
Article: 23.05.22
How to Make Control Work
How can we help people to take control in a system of self-directed support.
Paper: 23.05.22
Citizens Rising
The Relationships Project shares the stories and experiences of young people in the UK during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Film: 05.05.22
Being Hatty
Hatty has paranoid schizophrenia and is 33 years old, this is her story of life now with personalised support.