There are 783 resources from England.
Article: 16.12.18
Unjustified Imprisonment
Alain Catzeflis argues that the ongoing scandal of the enforced detention of young people with autism demands more…
Paper: 12.12.18
Special Rights
A celebration of difference and a collection of proposals for more inclusive schooling and an expression of…
Article: 03.12.18
Challenging Learning Disability Stereotypes
Made Possible is a new book arguing for an alternative approach to treating and supporting people and outlining the…
Story: 03.12.18
The Injustice of Benefit Sanctions
The welfare system has become punitive, even more bureaucratic and humiliating. It delivers pain instead of support…
Article: 16.11.18
Raising the Bar
Thomas Doukas and Annie Fergusson share what happened at the second Raising the Bar, National PMLD conference on 2nd…
Article: 12.11.18
The Fight for Equal Citizenship
Wendy Perez describes the ongoing work to try and help people with learning difficulties take their rightful place in…
Article: 09.11.18
The Iatrogenic Tranquilliser Scandal
Barry Haslam has been campaigning for many years to raise awareness of the significant negative impact of the…
Article: 08.11.18
Setting Stupid Targets for the NHS
John Carlisle explains why setting targets for the NHS is both wasteful and diverts attention from the real business of…
Paper: 25.10.18
US Corporate Influence on UK Welfare Reforms
Mo Stewart has been researching the damage caused by welfare reform and the malign influence of US private insurance…
Training: 02.10.18
See Me As Me
This is the name of Wendy Perez’s training business through which she provides training on the Keys to…
Story: 02.10.18
Northamptonshire - Abandon Hope All Who Enter
Marion Turner-Hawes describes the hopeless, divide and completely undemocratic process by which Northamptonshire…
Paper: 25.09.18
Careless Care
When the state takes children into its care it has a responsibility to support them into adulthood and as they become…
Article: 25.09.18
Shared Decisions in a Democratic NHS
Shaun McBride argues that we must enable citizens to share in key decisions about the NHS as we begin to unravel decades…
Article: 25.09.18
Mental Health and Tentacled Snowballs
An anonymous article describing how medical and bureaucratic approaches to mental health undermine flexible and…
Paper: 25.09.18
GaN Canny 2018
Over 168 voluntary and community organisations from Gateshead and Newcastle responded to a survey by Newcastle CVS on…
Article: 25.09.18
Only a New Democracy can Save the NHS
Protecting the NHS and vital public services requires radical change and reform of the UK's constitution.
Paper: 24.09.18
Extreme Poverty in a Time of Austerity
This summary of the harm caused by the UK Government's austerity policies was submitted to the UN Special Rapporteur on…
Paper: 06.09.18
Parent Carer Health
This survey of family experiences suggests that ill health for family carers is a significant problem.
Inspiration: 07.08.18
Opus Independents - Platform for Meaning
Opus is an exciting social innovation in Sheffield helping people to build lives of meaning.
Article: 06.08.18
Principles for a National Health Service
9 distinctive and essential characteristics of a National Health Service according to Dr Julian Tudor Hart.
Paper: 06.08.18
Preventable Harm and the Work Capability Assessment
Mo Stewart provides a brief overview of some of the most important elements in the development of a policy which is…
Slide: 01.08.18
Thomas – Coproduction and inclusiveness
Thomas Doukas of Choice Support and Citizen Network England explains why making progress towards a better world means…
Article: 06.07.18
What is the alternative to neoliberalism?
Simon Duffy reflects on the intellectual and practical challenge facing thinkers opposed to the current neoliberal…
Film: 06.07.18
Cut Out
A film-poem that showcases poetry produced by members of the People Focused Group (PFG) in Doncaster, England.
Paper: 26.06.18
Reclaiming ‘Chronic Illness’
An exploration of the meaning of the term ‘chronic illness’ and the relationship between people with…
Film: 25.06.18
Why Northamptonshire Went Bust
Simon Duffy explains why Northamptonshire went bust and what kind of thinking is required to return local government…
Slide: 19.06.18
Sam – #IAMchallengingbehaviour
Sam Sly shares her keynote presentation given at a recent Royal College of Occupational Therapists conference.
Paper: 07.06.18
Self-Directed Support
This paper has been written as part of the SKILLS Project to begin the development of an international exploration of…
Article: 06.06.18
Euston, We Have a Problem
Wendy Perez has complained to Euston Station in London about the ongoing failure of their support to disabled people.
Article: 06.06.18
Lowering the Complexity Bar
Chris Ware explains why homelessness is not just a function of poverty but also of the increasing complexity of modern…
Inspiration: 04.06.18
A Holiday with a Difference
Amanda Topps describes a shared holiday where everyone is equal and where everyone takes care of each other on their own…
Article: 02.06.18
A Constitution for Disability Rights
8 reasons why disability rights activists should support constitutional reform.
Article: 25.05.18
How to Fund the NHS and Public Services
Gavin Barker summarises the arguments for Modern Monetary Theory and explains why government does not need to be bound…
Paper: 07.05.18
Challenging the Democratic Deficit
The Government's proposals for boundary reform make the current electoral system even more unfair.
Paper: 01.05.18
Heritage Is An Asset
Joyce Bullivant explains why our heritage is a vital asset for sustainable development and asks why Sheffield City has…
Paper: 20.04.18
Cities for All
This paper explores how disabled people and their allies can be at the heart of the civic partnerships required to make…
Paper: 19.04.18
Inclusion and the Commons
Thomas Allan explains why we must explore and develop the Commons, and end our fixation on the State or the Market as the…
Article: 17.04.18
Basic Income or Basic Services
Dr Simon Duffy reflects on the debate between Barb Jacobson and Anna Coote on the respective merits of UBI or UBS.
Article: 16.04.18
Elements of a New Constitution
The Centre for Welfare Reform supports the movement for a written constitution, based on radical democratic reform,…
Article: 15.04.18
Open Letter on Constitutional Reform
An Open Letter calling for a Citizen's Convention leading to a written constitution.
Paper: 09.04.18
Letters to the DWP
Correspondence between Mo Stewart, the independent disability researcher, and officials at the DWP, reveals the…
Slide: 04.04.18
What is Inclusion?
An inspiring, thoughtful and funny presentation from Tim Keilty.
Paper: 26.03.18
Reforming Social Care
This report explains why integration between health and social care is not desirable, setting out a clear vision for…
Article: 25.03.18
Who Is Accountable?
Alain Catzeflis argues that the outsourcing of public services to organisations like Motability has created a…
Article: 16.03.18
Commonfare: Inclusion and the Commons
Thomas Allan argues that new thinking about the role of the Commons in our shared community life will put the ideal of…
Article: 12.03.18
Workers' Rights Versus the Right to Care
UK social policy has created a severe, but unnecessary conflict between the rights of workers and disabled people.
Article: 12.03.18
Behind Relative Poverty
The stories in Relative Poverty address the imbalance of power; Les Monaghan describes the thinking behind his…
Inspiration: 06.03.18
Inclusion Facilitation
Inclusive Solutions have been piloting this work in the last three years, making traditionally clinical plans more…