Universal DisCredit

The Canary supported Videoblogg Productions to produce a documentary describing the problems with the Universal Credit system.

Universal Credit is the ‘reform’ of the benefit system which was developed by the Conservative politician Iain Duncan Smith and the think tank he established, ironically called the Centre for Social Justice. 

Universal Credit is a bad policy based on false assumptions about people on low incomes. It has led to an increase in suicide and mental illness and it has enmeshed millions in a system of bureaucratic monitoring, control and punishment.

This film was developed by The Canary online newspaper in partnership with Videoblogg Productions

Videoblogg Productions is a South West London based full service digital production company offering a total film package for our wide variety of clients.

The publisher is Videoblogg Productions.

Film | 08.04.20

politics, social justice, tax and benefits, England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Film

Simon Duffy


President of Citizen Network

Simon Duffy


President of Citizen Network

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