Participation at 45 Degrees

Colin Miller has compiled 12 short essays on techniques for citizen-led change and constitutional reform in partnership with Compass.

Compiled by Colin Miller

Techniques for citizen-led change

Our democratic and political system is in crisis. Too many people and communities feel that they have little power over decisions that affect them. Devolution is constantly being discussed, but too rarely enacted and where devolution is happening it has tended to concentrate power further in the hands of a mayor and a small elite. 

There needs to be more ways in which people’s voices can be heard and have influence not only via occasional elections but in relation to the cascade of continuous decision-making that takes place in society, whether at local, regional, national or international level. We need democracy - from the street, to the neighbourhoods upwards.

In this important and prescient new pamphlet, the Compass Group on Participatory Techniques outlines and develops the kinds of democratic practises and tools that enable citizens to flourish and improve their ability to influence events and take control over their shared condition. 

This publication marks an important next step in the growing movement for constitutional reform which is fully supported by the Centre for Welfare Reform.

Read and download the free pdf in your browser, link below.

The publisher is Compass.

Text by Colin Miller, Nick Beddow, Gabriel Chanan, Brian Fisher, Jane Foot, Nick Gardham, Jez Hall, Helena Kettleborough, Bob Rhodes, Matt Scott, Henry Tam, Diane Warburton and David Wilcox.

All Rights Reserved. No part of this paper may be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher except for the quotation of brief passages in reviews.


Paper | 08.04.20

politics, England, Paper

Bob Rhodes


Co-Director of LivesthroughFriends CIC

Brian Fisher


GP and Chair of Reclaim Social Care

Henry Tam


Director of Question the Powerful

Bob Rhodes


Co-Director of LivesthroughFriends CIC

Brian Fisher


GP and Chair of Reclaim Social Care

Henry Tam


Director of Question the Powerful

Also see