There are 108 resources from Scotland.
Reviews: 25.11.24
UK Education: Still Awaiting an Inclusive Future
David Towell reviews two books focusing on the development of inclusive education in England.
Webinar: 11.11.24
Part 8: Grassroots Policies
In this webinar contributors described the work we need to do to take care of our rivers.
Books: 09.08.24
Second Class Citizens
An authoritative overview of how Austerity targeted sick and disabled people in the UK.
Article: 23.07.24
A Digital Approach to Person-Centred Planning
Digital technology is opening up new ways in which people can develop their own person centred plan.
Article: 04.07.24
Open Letter on Neighbourhood Democracy
A call for a deeper democracy that engages everyone as citizens in their neighbourhoods and beyond.
Article: 17.06.24
A Visionary Future with Basic Income for Farmers
Basic income for every farmer could help end poverty for farmers and better protect nature.
Article: 06.06.24
Grassroots Manifesto for Sustainability
Policies to help us take care of the planet, support wildlife and better farming.
Paper: 25.04.24
Sowing the Seeds of Stability
A proposal to use basic income as the system to support the income of farmers and farm workers.
Webinar: 19.03.24
Part 7: Grassroots Policies
In Part 7 of our webinar series we focused on the Commons, and wildlife.
Webinar: 14.03.24
Part 6: Grassroots Policies
We focused on financial and environmental sustainability in Part 6 of our webinar series.
Handbook: 10.01.24
How to Support Everyday Citizenship
Guidance to run an event and share the book with your local community.
Paper: 15.09.23
The Problem with Quality of Life
Disability strategy should be built around an ambitious vision for deinstitutionalisation and citizenship for all.
Paper: 14.08.23
Self-Directed Support Scotland
There has been significant progress in Scotland in reforming disability services, but major challenges remain.
Webinar: 20.05.23
Part 2: Grassroots Policies
The second webinar in this series focused on genetic modification, factory farmed animals and a pollution scandal.
Webinar: 04.04.23
Part 1: Grassroots Policies
The first webinar in this series focused on the future of farming, sustainability and finance.
Paper: 29.07.22
UK Democracy Fit for 21st Century
How to reorganise the constitution of the UK to support genuine democracy and good government.
Album: 26.06.22
UK Poverty Data in Graphics
Infographics showing how poverty is created by the unfairness of the UK tax-benefit system.
Article: 20.06.22
The Challenge of Citizenship
A talk to mark the Launch of Values Into Action Scotland at the Scottish Parliament in 2007.
Training: 02.06.22
Self Directed Futures Training
Active learning and coaching from Self Directed Futures.
Article: 28.01.22
Disability Benefits and Suicide
A Channel Four documentary has revealed the cruel nature of the UK's disability system.
Inspiration: 13.01.22
Charter to End Westminster Rule
A working Charter for democratic reform which aims to offer 10 radical and necessary changes to UK democracy.
Webinar: 08.11.21
Volunteering and Inclusion
Les Papillons de Blancs Lille share how people with intellectual disabilities can be included in their communities…
Webinar: 08.11.21
Innovations in Inclusion from Rethymno
The Association of Parents and Friends of people with Autism of Rethymno in Crete share their innovative work to…
Webinar: 04.11.21
Celebrating Day Centres Without Walls
Jaunuolių Dienos Centras (JDC) hosted a conference in Lithuania sharing work and learning from partners in the Day…
Paper: 29.08.21
Personal Budgets
An Easy Read guide plus film explaining the 4 different ways of funding your care and support and managing your Personal…
Webinar: 07.05.21
A New Way Home
John Dalrymple and Frances Brown speak about their work with Radical Visions in Scotland and their guide A New Way Home.
Paper: 09.03.21
A New Way Home New Edition
A practical guide to leaving institutional care and returning to your community.
Webinar: 03.03.21
DCWW England: PFG the Home of Peer Support
Members of the People Focused Group (PFG) in Doncaster explain what peer support truly means.
Paper: 02.03.21
Pregnant in An Age of Compliance
An exploration of pregnancy amidst the myths of medical technology and power.
Training: 12.01.21
Your Options Understood
Your Options Understood (Y.O.U) have launched a new interactive e-learning platform.
Webinar: 05.11.20
DCWW Greece: Play Unified
Play Unified is a project to introduce inclusive practices into sports activities and link the Special Olympics…
Webinar: 14.10.20
DCWW Scotland: Innovations in Supported Employment
Values Into Action Scotland have been leading innovation in supported employment for two decades.
Article: 16.09.20
Popping the Housing Bubble
The UK's housing market is over-inflated and even progressive policies like basic income cannot solve this without…
Article: 10.09.20
The Entrepreneur in the Wheelchair
The Entrepreneur in the Wheelchair
Webinar: 16.07.20
DCWW Italy: Connecting Communities
Kara Bobowski is a social co-operative which works to include disabled people and other groups needing support in the…
Webinar: 16.06.20
SDS Network: Individual Service Funds (ISFs)
Chris Watson of Self Directed Futures and Gary Kent of New Key and Jacqui Hendra of Devon County Council on ISFs.
Webinar: 13.05.20
SDS Network: Developments in Scotland
Keith, Danielle & Debbie describe the development of self-directed support in Scotland.
Webinar: 28.04.20
DCWW Lithuania: COVID-19 Challenge
What is the mission of a social worker in this situation? Jaunuolių dienos centras (JDC) in Lithuania share inspiring…
Film: 08.04.20
Universal DisCredit
The Canary supported Videoblogg Productions to produce a documentary describing the problems with the Universal…
Article: 06.04.20
Does COVID-19 mark the end for markets in the NHS?
UK Government response to the COVID-19 is an implicit acknowledgement of the limitations and dangers of a marketised…
Article: 06.04.20
COVID-19, The Black Death and Basic Income
Bill Jordan explains why COVID-19, like the Black Death before it, may finally push the current elites to accept the…
Article: 02.04.20
The Upstream Response to COVID-19
Dr Simon Duffy sets out some key principles to guide local communities as they develop their response to the COVID-19…
Film: 25.02.20
A global force for change
Citizen Network is a global non-profit cooperative movement, formed to create a world where everyone matters.
Story: 19.12.19
3 Self-Directed Support Stories
Three stories from Finland of how self-directed support is beginning to work in practice plus other resources
Project: 13.12.19
Day Centres Without Walls
Innovations for day centres for people with intellectual disabilities.
Article: 10.12.19
UK Food Banks in 2019
Lizzie Peck provides an overview of the emergence and rapid growth of food banks since the Coalition Government and the…
Article: 08.12.19
Undercooked Analysis
Steve Griffiths argues that the Institute for Fiscal Studies has failed to be objective in its analysis of Labour's…
Article: 07.12.19
Accountancy is not Economics
Steve Griffiths examines the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) critique of of Labour's 2019 Manifesto and discovers…