DCWW Scotland: Innovations in Supported Employment

Values Into Action Scotland have been leading innovation in supported employment for two decades.

This webinar is the third in the Day Centres Without Walls (DCWW) programme, supported by the European Union's Erasmus+ programme. In this webinar we hear from the team at Values into Action Scotland.

Values Into Action Scotland is a member of Citizen Network and one of the leading champions of real paid work for people with learning disabilities. over more than 10 years they have run a range of important and effective programmes demonstrating that people with learning disabilities can be values employees.

This webinar was hosted by Citizen Network and is part of the Day Centres Without Walls Project co-funded by Erasmus+ and IKY.

The webinar was recorded on 17th September 2020.

Webinar | 14.10.20

Inclusion, intellectual disabilities, England, France, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Scotland, Webinar

Norma Curran



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