UK Poverty Data in Graphics

Infographics showing how poverty is created by the unfairness of the UK tax-benefit system.

These infographics were developed by Simon Duffy using Office for National Statistics (ONS) data on income distribution, taxes and benefits. Contrary to widely held beliefs the tax and benefit system (taken together) is profoundly unfair to the poorest in the UK. This data is from the tax year ending in 2018.  

1. We are all on benefits and the poorest do not even get the most in benefits

2. Everyone is paying taxes but the poorest are hit hardest by different taxes to the richest

3. Taking all taxes together the poorest pay more in tax as a share of their income than any other group

4. The cost of redistribution as a whole (looking at taxes and benefits together) is very low

5. The net distribution effect per person is tiny

6. The final impact is that income inequality is very high in the UK

The publisher is Citizen Network Research. UK Poverty Data in Graphics © Simon Duffy 2012-2020
All Rights Reserved. Please reference the authors and the publisher if you use them.

Album | 26.06.22

Basic Income, politics, social justice, tax and benefits, England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Album

Simon Duffy


Citizen Network Team

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