There are 121 resources from Global.
Training: 01.03.25
Learn how to use Sociocracy!
Everyone has something important to contribute, every voice should be heard.
Training: 01.03.25
Neighbour Up! Organise your Street
A neighbourhood organising movement which originated in India in the 1970s.
Webinar: 11.11.24
Part 8: Grassroots Policies
In this webinar contributors described the work we need to do to take care of our rivers.
Books: 09.08.24
Everyday Citizenship
Available to buy everywhere now!
Books: 08.08.24
Citizen Network Newspaper
Proclaiming loudly what is happening to our communities!
Article: 23.07.24
A Digital Approach to Person-Centred Planning
Digital technology is opening up new ways in which people can develop their own person centred plan.
Article: 04.07.24
Open Letter on Neighbourhood Democracy
A call for a deeper democracy that engages everyone as citizens in their neighbourhoods and beyond.
Article: 18.06.24
Heartificial Intelligence
We need to teach our children to love, to feel and to recognise the needs of others.
Article: 03.04.24
The Creation of a Global Newspaper
The theme of the first edition of Citizen Network News is public spaces, order your copy now.
Handbook: 18.03.24
How to Sponsor Citizen Network
This guide explains how to support Citizen Network, our projects and our networks.
Webinar: 14.03.24
Part 6: Grassroots Policies
We focused on financial and environmental sustainability in Part 6 of our webinar series.
Slide: 23.01.24
The Future of Energy
Denmark is creating sustainable networks of community-based energy production and distribution.
Article: 23.01.24
Edward Carpenter and Basic Income
Edward Carpenter explores the case for universal basic income and a world with more joy, beauty and usefulness.
Paper: 23.01.24
Strengthening Local Leadership
Three examples of inclusive education from Uruguay, Peru and the United Kingdom.
Handbook: 10.01.24
How to Support Everyday Citizenship
Guidance to run an event and share the book with your local community.
Webinar: 20.09.23
Mapping for Citizen Action
Community Development Halton led a webinar on strategies for mapping to support community development.
Project: 22.11.22
CitizenFest 2022
This is a record of CitizenFest in 2022.
Article: 17.11.22
Global Standards for Self-Directed Support
The SDS Network has drafted a statement for consultation on best practice on self-directed support.
Handbook: 12.09.22
How to Use the Logo
How to use the Citizen Network logo.
Article: 24.06.22
Self-Directed Support and the Future
Simon Duffy considers some of the emerging trends and how SDS can help us tackle future problems.
Article: 24.06.22
Self-Directed Support and System Design
Simon Duffy explores how you design a system of self-directed support that works for everyone.
Article: 24.06.22
Self-Directed Support and Citizenship
Simon Duffy argues that self-directed support is a tool for enhancing our citizenship.
Article: 20.06.22
The Challenge of Citizenship
A talk to mark the Launch of Values Into Action Scotland at the Scottish Parliament in 2007.
Books: 05.05.22
Power and Connection
The first book dedicated to exploring the value of Local Area Coordination and its international development.
Paper: 02.04.22
Different Worldview, Different Person-Centred Plan
John O'Brien reflects on two very different ways of understanding Person-Centred Planning.
Paper: 31.03.22
Guide: Achieving Quality Education for All
A short guide for leaders taking on the task of transformation in our schools.
Article: 08.03.22
Global Ranking of Electoral Systems
There are many different electoral systems used around the world, most better than the UK system.
Project: 09.02.22
Building Citizen Network Together
Citizen Network members gathered online to explore the development of the network and discuss future plans.
Article: 14.01.22
What is Citizen Network?
We are a global community working for a world where everyone matters.
Handbook: 13.01.22
How to Join Us on Slack
We are communicating with each other on Slack - join in.
Article: 29.09.21
IUCN World Conservation Congress
The IUCN World Conservation Congress is the largest gathering of conservation expertise globally, CN Ambassadors…
Paper: 28.09.21
The Power of Freedom
A New Zealand Initiative report on the positive progress of self-directed support in New Zealand.
Map: 07.09.21
Global Democracy
A map of the voting systems used around the world.
Paper: 29.08.21
Personal Budgets
An Easy Read guide plus film explaining the 4 different ways of funding your care and support and managing your Personal…
Project: 15.04.21
CitizenFest 2021
This is a record of CitizenFest in 2021.
Paper: 04.03.21
Easy to Read Guide
This learning material is produced within the Erasmus project Puzzle – developing easy to read formats for…
Handbook: 03.01.21
How We Communicate
How you can communicate across the Network.
Handbook: 03.01.21
How to Contribute to CNTV
How to be a CNTV creator.
Handbook: 03.01.21
How to Write for Us
How to write for Citizen Network.
Handbook: 03.01.21
How to Publish With Us
How to share your work using Citizen Network.
Handbook: 03.01.21
How to Use References
How to use references when writing for Citizen Network.
Project: 15.09.20
CitizenFest 2020
This is a record of CitizenFest in 2020.
Paper: 17.07.20
An Introduction to Basic Income Plus
A practical approach for making sure basic income works for disabled people and others who face extra costs.
Film: 18.06.20
Citizenship: a chat with Plena InclusiĆ³n
In this film by Plena InclusiĆ³n Simon Duffy explains key concepts like the ideas of inclusion, self-directed support…
Webinar: 13.05.20
SDS Network: COVID-19 and Overview
The first webinar from the SDS network covered the issues of how countries were responding to the COVID-19 crisis, what…
Article: 06.04.20
COVID-19 versus Leviathan
Bill Jordan explains how pandemics can create fundamental realignments of power and why COVID-19 may finally…
Article: 06.04.20
COVID-19, The Black Death and Basic Income
Bill Jordan explains why COVID-19, like the Black Death before it, may finally push the current elites to accept the…
Film: 25.02.20
A global force for change
Citizen Network is a global non-profit cooperative movement, formed to create a world where everyone matters.