Strengthening Local Leadership

Three examples of inclusive education from Uruguay, Peru and the United Kingdom.

Authors: David Towell, Karen van Rompeay and Katty Britto

In the literature focused on improving quality and inclusive education, there is much on the law and policy requirements and even more on efforts to transform schools. This latest paper by David Towell and his South America colleagues focuses in between the national and delivery levels to examine the local leadership necessary to improve the education system so as to better serve all learners in the local population.

The authors share three short stories from Uruguay, Peru and the United Kingdom, and drawing on their examples, offer some general reflections for wider consideration.

Read and download the free pdfs, in English and Spanish, in your browser, links below.

The publisher is the Centre for Inclusive Futures. Strengthening Local Leadership © David Towell, Karen van Rompeay and Katty Britto 2024.


Paper | 23.01.24

community, Inclusion, Inclusive Education, England, Global, Peru, Uruguay, Paper

David Towell


Director of the Centre for Inclusive Futures

David Towell


Director of the Centre for Inclusive Futures

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