There are 119 resources from Global.
Graphic: 01.06.12
History of the Movement
Innovations in public services don't come from government, they come from the efforts of people themselves.
Paper: 22.05.12
Teachers as Leaders in the Journey to Inclusive Schools
This paper written by David Towell and Heidy Araque offers a framework for thinking about the issues to be addressed in…
Project: 04.01.12
Fellows Day 2012
A day of learning, thinking and lively discussion.
Article: 30.11.11
The Meaning of Dignity
A short essay written by Simon Duffy on the true meaning of dignity.
Paper: 05.09.11
Advancing Inclusive Education for an Inclusive Society
Reflections on a journey in Latin America in Spring 2011 where the authors examine different experiences of…
Graphic: 25.01.11
Five Basic Tasks
The core competencies of any agency aiming to support people who are at risk social exclusion and devaluation
Graphic: 01.01.11
Shift to Citizenship Model
This image shows the fundamental shift in thinking required to reform public services within the welfare state - from a…
Graphic: 17.09.10
Self-Directed Support
The 7 step process in self-directed support.
Graphic: 10.09.10
Real Wealth
Real Wealth is what it takes to build a good life. This is not just money - it is much broader.
Graphic: 01.08.10
Pull Economics
Instead of pushing resources that we think are useful towards them Push Economics proposes that people are enabled to…
Paper: 09.04.10
Citizenship & Community
This paper outlines the relationship between active citizenship and community development and its relationship to…
Paper: 09.04.10
Citizenship Theory
A paper which explores the theoretical foundations of personalisation.
Graphic: 01.08.09
Citizenship Model
This model describes how the citizen should be central to the design and delivery of public services.
Graphic: 01.08.09
Coproduction is the name for the process by which improved outcomes are produced by the collaboration of different…
Graphic: 01.08.09
Conditional Resource Entitlement
This is a way of understanding individual budgets, vouchers and other mechanism as part of a way of providing support…
Graphic: 01.08.09
Community Capacity
This model enables us to maps four dimensions of community capacity. These community capacities support the…
Graphic: 01.08.09
Waste in Public Services
The current welfare system wastes resources by reducing the ability of the citizen to put them to good use.
Graphic: 01.08.09
Tax-Benefit Reform
The current tax and benefit system is confused and confusing. It needs to be integrated, both in order to reduce stigma…
Graphic: 01.08.09
System Transformation
The process of shifting local systems over to a more personalised approach is complex and multi-layered.
Graphic: 01.08.09
Personalised Support
Personalised Support is a system for designing and organising around the needs of the individual.
Graphic: 01.08.09
Model Development
Any model for improving systems can be improved if it is subject to a four stage iterative process.
Graphic: 01.08.09
Keys to Citizenship
A model developed to explain the practical steps that are necessary to achieve meaningful, everyday citizenship.
Graphic: 01.08.09
Creativity in Design
Creativity in design requires (a) positive imagination (b) the ability to look outward for possibilities (c) focus on…