Heartificial Intelligence

We need to teach our children to love, to feel and to recognise the needs of others.

Author: Joseph Rathinam

The whole world is now fascinated by Artificial Intelligence: its applications and the impact it will have on the world. It is already being applied in many walks of life: industry, language, communication, space, medicine, teaching, sports, dance, music, cooking, services and so on. There are certainly plenty of people, education systems and scientific communities who seem to want to use AI.

AI, however highly developed it becomes, will only be applied in machines or be planted in the form of a chip into the human brain and to integrate with the brain. This will lead to machinising the human and humanising the machine. This integration will almost certainly result in even greater human craving for power, money and pleasure. When AI is developed above the higher levels of human intelligence and integrated into machines and human beings then there is certainly a danger that machines will overtake, overpower or even enslave humans. But AI will definitely be appreciated as it makes life easier.

But, something more important has to become our focus now, and that is Heartificial Intelligence: This means the skill of listening, understanding and applying the language of the heart. It is vastly different from the language of the mind and most of the time it is just the opposite to the language of the mind.

Heartificial Intelligence means dealing with feelings and emotions like love, compassion, care for others, being mindful and socially responsible, sharing, a sense of justice, forgiveness, honesty, treating everyone equally and so on. In other words it is humanising the humans. Heartificial Intelligence results in a quest for justice, peace and joy of the whole humanity.

The world needs this urgently and very badly. It is high time now to promote Heartificial Intelligence among people specially the children through every means and very specially through the education system.

The present education systems all over the world produce good engineers, learned doctors, scientists, teachers, lawyers, judges, politicians and all types of skilled professionals but the big question is whether it produces human beings. The present education system focuses only on the academic and an intelligence quotient which is based on the performance of the brain rather than Intelligence based on the language of the heart, feelings and emotions.

The world cannot remain indifferent to hatred, violence, revenge, killing, war and destruction. Instead we must cultivate our children, the next generation, into holistically developed human beings. Today’s world leaders were children, only a few years back. If they would have been taught to learn and apply Heartificial Intelligence when they were children there wouldn't be such a lot of commotion, chaos and destruction in the world today.

It was fascinating to read a scientific article recently that described how scientists have successfully experimented in applying AI to understand the language of animals. This is great. But what is the use of this if we cannot understand the language of hunger, grief and pain of our suffering fellow human beings? What is our response? Is the world going to remain a mute spectator at the cost of the whole humanity?

The time is now, right now, right here. For this reason we began the UCAN (Universal Compassion Ambassador Network) program. Let the whole world join hands and work together to set itself in the right path of harmony, peace and joy!

You can contact Joseph Rathinam directly by email.

The publisher is Citizen Network Research. Heartificial Intelligence © Joseph Rathinam 2024.

Article | 18.06.24

community, education, Need for Roots, Global, Article

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