See Me As Me

This is the name of Wendy Perez’s training business through which she provides training on the Keys to Citizenship and also speaks at events.

Wendy Perez is a self-advocate with learning difficulties who has been at the cutting edge of advancing the rights of people and families.

See Me As Me is the name of Wendy’s training business. Wendy provides training on the Keys to Citizenship and also speaks at events.

If you’d like Wendy to work with you please get in touch with her by email:

Wendy explains more in her own words here:

I am an experienced trainer and consultant. I can help you to make changes. I work with individual people, staff groups and whole organisations. I help people with learning difficulties to stand up for their rights and get the things they need. I help organisations to make changes so they are more person-centred.

These are some of the things I can help with:


A lot of people with learning disabilities are cut off from ordinary things in the community. Maybe they are in a special place like a group home. Or maybe they don’t know anyone in the area – and don’t know how to change that. Some organisations that support people with learning disabilities want to help them get involved. But perhaps they are not sure what to do. I can help people to:

Getting a job

Only about one in eight people with a learning disability has a paid job. But you can make the chances better for you if you know what kind of job will work for you. I can help people to:

Personal Budgets

Social services usually arranges support for people who need it. But you can get the money to arrange support yourself. This is called a Direct Payment. At first, you could only spend your Direct Payment on certain things. It was hard to be creative. Then individual budgets and personal budgets came along and now you should be able to spend the money in a way that suits you. I can help you to:


If you don’t have a plan, things just happen to you. For people with learning disabilities, that usually means other people make the decisions – where you live, where you go during the day, who supports you. A person-centred plan tells other people about you and what you want and need. It helps you get the life you want. I can help you to:


People who have a learning difficulty should have the same rights as anyone else. We might need more support than some other people. But we have the right to live the life we want. I can help you to:


You have to take risks to learn – to find out what you can do and how far you can get. If you don’t take risks you can’t find out what you are able to do. Then other people will never see you as an individual. They will see you as someone who can’t do things and needs support. I can help you and people who support you to:

Training | 02.10.18

disability, intellectual disabilities, social care, England, Training

Wendy Perez


Founder of See Me As Me