
Your search for david towell produced 97 results.

  1. Education For A Better Tomorrow

    In this important paper Heidy Araque and David Towell explore the relationship between the education system and the emerging challenges of the 21st Century.

    Paper 2013-09-18 18:57:00

  2. Eco Shed

    David Towell describes a great innovation that provides employment for disabled people whilst supporting sustainability and social justice.

    Inspiration 2014-01-07 19:16:00

  3. The Frugal Innovator

    David Towell reviews a new book exploring how frugal innovators are finding radical solutions to pressing challenges using 4 design principles: lean, simple, clean and social.

    Reviews 2014-08-14 12:22:00

  4. Leading from the Emerging Future

    David Towell reviews a challenging book which sets out a red-green agenda to address contemporary economic, social and spiritual disconnections.

    Reviews 2015-01-19 16:57:00

  5. This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs The Climate

    David Towell is shaken and stirred by this latest blockbuster from Naomi Klein.

    Reviews 2015-09-23 18:35:00

  6. Liderando la Ciudad Inclusiva

    Este importante libro de Robin Hambleton da un contexto integral para las propuestas en el folleto de David Towell, Ciudades para Todos (publicado también en esta Biblioteca).

    Reviews 2015-11-23 09:04:00

  7. Transition Towns

    David Towell explores the great wealth of local examples generated through the Transition Towns movement that focus on sustainability and environmental justice.

    Inspiration 2015-12-15 13:05:00

  8. Insights from ABCD

    David Towell finds much can be gained from exploring the rich strand of often very local work associated with Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD).

    Inspiration 2016-01-22 13:06:00

  9. Camden and Co-production

    David Towell has been reading how local authorities can put outcomes and co-production at the heart of the commissioning process.

    Inspiration 2016-01-22 13:07:00

  10. Pathfinders Review 2

    David Towell reviews Pathfinders, the latest book by John O'Brien and Beth Mount published by Inclusion Press.

    Reviews 2016-02-05 19:44:00

  11. Fomentar la Educación para Forjar una Sociedad Inclusiva

    The Spanish translation of David Towell and Heidy Araque's paper on promoting education for an inclusive society.

    Paper 2016-05-11 18:29:00

  12. Cities for a Small Continent

    David Towell reviews this detailed study of seven cities that have experienced major decline, recovery and new challenges in the age of austerity.

    Reviews 2016-07-18 16:41:00

  13. Racisms: From the Crusades to the 20th Century

    "If we want to change something, a good start is to understand it." David Towell reviews Francisco Bethencourt's book and discovers the long history behind racism.

    Reviews 2016-07-24 10:21:00

  14. The Systems View of Life

    'With nature as our mentor, another world is possible' David Towell reviews The Systems View of Life.

    Reviews 2017-01-20 10:23:00

  15. Doughnut Economics

    Conventional economics is broken. Here is the radical alternative we need to shape a better future which works for people and planet, David Towell reviews Doughnut Economics.

    Reviews 2017-05-31 12:43:00

  16. No Is Not Enough

    There is unlikely to be a more important book published this summer, David Towell reviews Naomi Klein's latest book.

    Reviews 2017-07-31 08:30:00

  17. Promoviendo la educación inclusiva

    Este último folleto usa el ejemplo de la provincia canadiense de Nueva Brunswick para ofrecer un marco para transformar la educación pública para lograr la educación inclusiva para todos.

    Paper 2017-10-16 12:56:00

  18. Families As Leaders

    Three mothers of disabled children share their stories and the strategies they are pursuing to transform public education in Colombia, Romania and the UK.

    Paper 2018-03-29 10:19:00

  19. Cities for All

    This paper explores how disabled people and their allies can be at the heart of the civic partnerships required to make our towns and cities better for everyone.

    Paper 2018-04-20 10:09:00

  20. Post Growth

    Tim Jackson's book marshals great thinkers, poets and evidence to argue we must abandon our destructive notion of economic growth.

    Reviews 2021-07-07 13:10:00

  21. Creating Blue Space

    David Towell reviews Hans Meissner's illuminating account of the journey from institutional services for people with learning disabilities to individualised housing and support.

    Reviews 2019-09-16 12:02:00

  22. Cities and Communities Beyond COVID-19

    A review of Robin Hambleton's Cities and Communities Beyond COVID-19 the sequel to Leading the Inclusive City.

    Reviews 2020-10-07 15:34:00

  23. The Lonely Century

    This new and challenging book by Noreena Hertz outlines the shape of a transformative programme to rebuild community.

    Reviews 2021-02-12 15:07:00

  24. A Wild Love for the World

    David Towell reviews a new collection of writings celebrating the lifework of the Buddhist ecologist Joanna Macy.

    Reviews 2021-04-08 15:14:00

  25. Those Who Can, Teach

    This book is an eloquent testimony to the importance of investing in quality education to enrich the futures of all young people.

    Reviews 2021-06-04 11:49:00

  26. Paint Your Town Red

    David Towell reviews a new book describing the realities of the Preston model.

    Reviews 2021-05-24 11:53:00

  27. Advancing Inclusive Education in New Zealand

    In the second of a new 5 part series, David Towell shares how Family Associations in New Zealand are working to advance inclusive education.

    Paper 2021-11-17 17:11:00

  28. Active Hope

    An inspiring book to help us face the mess we're in with resilience, creativity and action.

    Reviews 2023-03-03 17:45:00

  29. Transforming Education: Policy Insights

    Public policy research has much to teach us if we want to create positive and sustainable change in education.

    Paper 2023-07-31 13:41:00

  30. Love and Disobedience

    In these challenging times Hannah Arendt's writings offer us guidance and encouragement.

    Reviews 2024-05-18 10:00:00

  31. Inclusive Education: Theory, Policy and Practice

    A guidebook for educators, policy-makers and practitioners advancing the journey to inclusive education.

    Reviews 2024-09-02 12:48:00

  32. UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

    This is a powerful vision of the opportunities and support which should be available to disabled people and their families, based on a commitment to equal citizenship.

    Article 2011-02-03 11:50:00

  33. Institution Watch

    This is a regular publication of Canada's national self-advocate association and main family organisation, advocating for people with intellectual disabilities.

    Paper 2013-10-07 20:00:00

  34. Advancing Inclusive Education in Peru

    In the first of a new 5 part series, David Towell shares how Family Associations in Peru are working to advance inclusive education.

    Paper 2021-11-10 14:59:00

  35. Advancing Inclusive Education in Colombia

    In the third of a new 5 part series, David Towell shares how Family Associations in Colombia are working to advance inclusive education.

    Paper 2021-11-24 12:40:00

  36. Advancing Inclusive Education in Spain

    David Towell shares how Family Associations in Spain are working to advance inclusive education.

    Paper 2021-12-01 11:03:00

  37. Reconnecting Hearts and Minds

    A Paradigm day of conversation about ensuring good support with and for people with learning disabilities.

    Paper 2012-06-21 14:51:00

  38. How Unofficial Social Policy Drives Change

    Steven Rose argues that social policy for people with learning disabilities has largely been driven by collaborative values-based work, not official government policy.

    Article 2017-06-18 14:28:00

  39. Open Letter on Regulation

    An Open Letter to David Behan (Head of Regulation) and Norman Lamb (lead politician) on the danger of relying on regulation to keep people safe.

    Article 2014-10-14 20:38:00

  40. A Review of Social Role Valorisation (SRV)

    Nan Carle explores the blessings and problems created by normalisation and Social Role Valorisation as a framework for values in disability support.

    Article 2016-09-27 11:44:00

  41. The Antecedents of An Ordinary Life 1946 - 1979

    Deinstitutionalisation and the Ordinary Life movement emerged from a long history of reform.

    Paper 2024-09-09 15:21:00

  42. Mi Casa and Citizen Network

    Citizen Network & Plena Inclusión are working together to advance…

    News 2023-03-07

  43. Out Now: Everyday Citizenship

    The new book by Wendy Perez and Simon Duffy shares how everyone can be a full citizen.

    News 2024-01-25

  44. Open Letter on Constitutional Reform

    An Open Letter calling for a Citizen's Convention leading to a written constitution.

    Article 2018-04-15 13:55:00

  45. Citizen Network in 2019

    The idea of Citizen Network is extremely modest and wildly ambitious.

    Article 2019-01-08 17:01:00

  46. Rethinking Care

    Challenging current assumptions in social care policy.

    Project 2017-01-04 12:23:00

  47. Everyday Citizenship

    How everyone can be a citizen and lead a life of meaning.

    Books 2024-08-09 17:34:00

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