Families As Leaders

Three mothers of disabled children share their stories and the strategies they are pursuing to transform public education in Colombia, Romania and the UK.

Authors: Monica Cortes, Linda Jordan, Madalina Turza and David Towell

This paper on inclusive education brings together three mothers of disabled children with national leadership roles in Colombia, Romania and the United Kingdom to tell the stories of the strategies they and their associations are pursuing to transform public education.

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A Spanish translation of this publication is also available:

Las familias como líderes en el camino a la educación inclusiva

Este folleto acerca de la educación inclusiva agrupa las experiencias de tres madres de niños en situación de discapacidad quienes han tomado roles de liderazgo a nivel nacional en Colombia, Rumania y el Reino Unido y cuenta las historias de las estrategias que ellas y sus asociaciones están adoptado para transformar la educación pública en sus países.

Lea y descargue el pdf gratis en español en su navegador, enlace debajo.

The publisher is the Centre for Inclusive Futures.

Families As Leaders © Monica Cortes, Linda Jordan, Madalina Turza and David Towell 2018.

All Rights Reserved. No part of this paper may be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher except for the quotation of brief passages in reviews.


Paper | 29.03.18

children and families, Family Leadership, Europe, Paper

David Towell


Director of the Centre for Inclusive Futures

David Towell


Director of the Centre for Inclusive Futures

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