Publications from Citizen Network members for reading and sharing.
Paper: 28.11.24
My Support Money
This template helps people be clear about how their personal budget is being used.
Paper: 18.11.24
Individual Service Funds Business Case Template
A practical, structured guide for Local Authorities considering implementing Individual Service Funds (ISFs).
Paper: 01.11.24
The Potteries Pound: A Community-Driven Digital Currency
A digital innovation that takes the principles of time-banking forward, as one part of the Stoke Model.
Paper: 01.11.24
The Public Health Crisis Created by UK Social Policy Reforms
An overview of the damaging social policies that have targeted sick and disabled people.
Paper: 08.10.24
Whole System Change in Education
David Towell and colleagues seek to draw lessons from recent experience in La Pampa, Argentina.
Paper: 10.09.24
Care (Education) & Treatment Reviews and Dynamic Support Registers
Practical advice from families can ensure people with learning disabilities or autism avoid institutional care.
Paper: 09.09.24
The Antecedents of An Ordinary Life 1946 - 1979
Deinstitutionalisation and the Ordinary Life movement emerged from a long history of reform.
Paper: 03.09.24
The Citizenship Project
Inclusion North's project focused on the voices of people living in the North East of England and North Cumbria.
Paper: 07.06.24
Beyond the Ballot Box
The Democracy Box publish new research revealing how to open up democratic participation in the UK.
Paper: 06.06.24
Expanding Self-Direction
Strategies for advocates to make practical progress in advancing self-direction.
Paper: 25.04.24
Sowing the Seeds of Stability
A proposal to use basic income as the system to support the income of farmers and farm workers.
Paper: 24.04.24
Capacity Building for Valued Lives
A report on the work of the National Alliance of Capacity-building Organisations (NACBO).
Paper: 02.04.24
Yorkshire Declaration
This Declaration makes the case for bringing real Democratic power to Yorkshire.
Paper: 04.03.24
Culture Matters
A report sharing how culture can impact parents who have children with autism or learning disabilities.
Paper: 23.01.24
Strengthening Local Leadership
Three examples of inclusive education from Uruguay, Peru and the United Kingdom.
Paper: 11.12.23
Personalised Support in Cancer Care
Health professionals in Lithuania are trying to improve the personalisation of their support to cancer patients.
Paper: 18.09.23
UNIC Transferability Study
The final UNIC report explores how to build and sustain personal budgets reforms and use EU structures.
Paper: 15.09.23
The Problem with Quality of Life
Disability strategy should be built around an ambitious vision for deinstitutionalisation and citizenship for all.
Paper: 27.08.23
Redesigning the NDIS
A vision for reforming the NDIS as a regenerative system of support co-designed with people with disabilities.
Paper: 14.08.23
Self-Directed Support Scotland
There has been significant progress in Scotland in reforming disability services, but major challenges remain.
Paper: 09.08.23
SoNeC Guide
SONEC is a framework for local decision-making determined by principles of justice and equality.
Paper: 31.07.23
Transforming Education: Policy Insights
Public policy research has much to teach us if we want to create positive and sustainable change in education.
Paper: 20.07.23
Letter to Director General of DWP
This letter asks the DWP to accept the harm caused by their ongoing approach to disabled people.
Paper: 05.06.23
The Social Artist: Women, Work & Money
The Spring 2019 edition explores the need for financial independence and the threat of cashlessness.
Paper: 15.05.23
Individual Service Funds at iDirect
iDirect share the experiences of 3 individuals they support who use individual service funds.
Paper: 04.05.23
Inclusion of Disabled Refugees in Spain
A report evaluating the inclusion of disabled refugees, focusing on education, housing and employment.
Paper: 14.04.23
Health Care Services in Crisis
Three senior NHS consultants explain that the NHS crisis is about its culture and organisation not just money.
Paper: 04.03.23
Sheffield Makes Civil Society
Sheffield has a vibrant civil society but its full potential is not yet realised.
Paper: 04.03.23
Indvidual Service Funds in Residential Care
Service providers can do much more to offer people flexible support and personal budgets.
Paper: 28.02.23
Inclusive Education Lessons From Canada
Drawing out the lessons from New Brunswick's long-term commitment to inclusive education.
Paper: 28.02.23
This Is How I Manage
This is a Finnish tool, available here in English, to help people develop their own support plan.
Paper: 08.11.22
Biopsychosocial Model or Bio-political Ideology?
Will people with Long-COVID escape the prejudices directed towards people with ME/CFS.
Paper: 08.11.22
The Journey to Inclusion
David Towell and Marcia Rivas Coello reflect on an important UNICEF initiative in Peru.
Paper: 07.11.22
Truth and Citizenship
This Norah Fry lecture explores the conditions necessary for respecting disability rights.
Paper: 14.10.22
The Politics of Fear
How the UK government has created an effective hostile environment for sick and disabled people.
Paper: 28.09.22
Un Nuevo Campo Social
Necesitamos cultivar un nuevo campo social: we need to cultivate a new social field.
Paper: 29.07.22
UK Democracy Fit for 21st Century
How to reorganise the constitution of the UK to support genuine democracy and good government.
Paper: 25.07.22
European Guidelines on Deinstitutionalisation
Good practice guide on the transition from Institutional to Community-based Care.
Paper: 25.07.22
Mapping Self-Directed Support in Europe
A survey of Self-Directed Support systems in Europe in 2019 produced by the SKILLS project.
Paper: 20.07.22
Lived Citizenship for Persons in Vulnerable Life Situations
This Open Access book brings together a variety of articles on citizenship for people with multiple impairments.
Paper: 18.07.22
Work is Neighbourhood Business
UBI means we can respond to the Fourth Industrial Revolution by growing neighbourhood support for work.
Paper: 23.05.22
Citizens Rising
The Relationships Project shares the stories and experiences of young people in the UK during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Paper: 04.05.22
Centralisation Meets Austerity
A detailed analysis of the impact of austerity on Local Spending in every local authority in England.
Paper: 02.04.22
Different Worldview, Different Person-Centred Plan
John O'Brien reflects on two very different ways of understanding Person-Centred Planning.
Paper: 31.03.22
Guide: Achieving Quality Education for All
A short guide for leaders taking on the task of transformation in our schools.
Paper: 08.03.22
A New Way Home: Slovakian Edition
Help for people in Slovakia and the Czech Republic to find new paths to living in their own home.
Paper: 03.03.22
Good Practice in Personal Budgets
UNIC project describes global best practice in Personal Budgets and user-centred funding models.
Paper: 03.03.22
European Guide on Personal Budgets
The UNIC Project guide to EU countries for Long Term Care and Support based on human rights.