The Journey to Inclusion

David Towell and Marcia Rivas Coello reflect on an important UNICEF initiative in Peru.

Authors: Marcia Rivas Coello and David Towell

Continuing a series of publications on advancing quality and inclusive education, with particular reference to Latin American experience, this new paper by David Towell and his colleague, Marcia Rivas Coello, reflects on an important UNICEF initiative in Peru. 

The authors examine the conditions under which local innovations can become sustainable beyond the life of particular ‘projects’ and inform wider education system transformation.

Read and download the pdf in English and in Español, links below.

The publisher is the Centre for Inclusive Futures. The Journey to Inclusion © Marcia Rivas Coello and David Towell 2022.


Paper | 08.11.22

Inclusive Education, intellectual disabilities, England, Peru, Paper

David Towell


Director of the Centre for Inclusive Futures

David Towell


Director of the Centre for Inclusive Futures

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