This Is How I Manage

This is a Finnish tool, available here in English, to help people develop their own support plan.

Authors: Aarne Rajalahti, Kalle Ristikartano, Maisa Kosola of the Finnish Service Foundation for People with an Intellectual Disability, Miia Koski of the Eteva Federation of Municipalities, and Marika Ahlstén of the Finnish Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Laura Muikku created the pictures, and Virpi Sirpelä of Mac&Me created the layout

This easy read form will help you consider your need for help and support. You can consider your need for help and support, for example, when a service plan is being made for you. 

This form will help you determine what you can do on your own and where you need help and support.

From the introduction:

My assessment of my need for help and support

Many people need help or support so that they can cope with their everyday lives. 

This form will help you think about what kind of help or support you need.

When you fill in the form it will contain information about what you can do on your own and where you need help or support. This information is needed, for example, for writing your service plan.

A service plan shows what kind of help or support you need. A service plan also shows what kind of services you need.

The information collected in this form will help provide the right kind of help or support just for you. That’s why this information is important, for example, for a social worker or a care manager.

You can fill in the form on your own, or together with a family member or carer, or with a professional who knows you well.

Download the form (pdf) here.

The publisher is the Finnish Service Foundation for People with an Intellectual Disability, Finnish Association for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, and Eteva Federation of Municipalities. 

This Is How I Manage © Finnish Service Foundation for People with an Intellectual Disability, Finnish Association for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, and Eteva Federation of Municipalities 2016.


Paper | 28.02.23

Inclusion, Person-Centred Planning, Personalised Support, Self-Directed Support, Finland, Paper

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