Beyond the Ballot Box

The Democracy Box publish new research revealing how to open up democratic participation in the UK.

Author: Yvonne Murphy, Omidaze Productions

This report details 4 years of research and development with over 12,000 people and evidences barriers to UK democratic participation and 3 tried and tested possible solutions.

The report explains how our democracy works and how things fit together so people can be heard, contribute and influence our democracy year-round.

There are lots of ways people can get involved in democracy: 

Rather than simply focusing on getting people to turn out to vote the evidence from this research suggests that there will be a significant increase across all forms of democratic engagement and participation, including voter turnout, if people are given the right support and information.

Read and download the free pdf in your browser, link below.

Find out more about The Democracy Box, visit:

The publisher is Omidaze Productions. The Democracy Box Beyond the Ballot Box © Yvonne Murphy, Omidaze Productions 2023.

Paper | 07.06.24

community, Neighbourhood Democracy, politics, England, Wales, Paper

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