Whole System Change in Education

David Towell and colleagues seek to draw lessons from recent experience in La Pampa, Argentina.

Authors: Karen Van Rompaey, Rosa Pingo and David Towell

It's more than 30 years since the Salamanca Statement gave new direction to the development of education, a direction reaffirmed, for example in the Sustainable Development Goals - seeking to put quality, equity and inclusion at the heart of improving education worldwide.

National responses to these global aspirations have since been disappointingly mixed. While there are many examples of good practice at the level of the school, rather few jurisdictions (countries or provinces with educational responsibilities) have made substantial progress in transforming the whole system of public education so that all students benefit.

Within Latin America, the Argentine province of La Pampa has been a pioneer in these efforts. In June, 2024, David Towell was part of a study visit to La Pampa. Writing with his Spanish-speaking colleagues Karen Van Rompeay and Rosa Pinto, this original paper both describes progress in La Pampa and seeks to draw lessons for achieving radical change elsewhere.

The paper is available to download in English and in Spanish, links below.

The publisher is the Centre for Inclusive Futures. Transforming the Whole System to Achieve Inclusive Education © David Towell 2024.


Paper | 08.10.24

children and families, education, Inclusion, Inclusive Education, Argentina, Paper

David Towell



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