Sheffield Makes Civil Society

Sheffield has a vibrant civil society but its full potential is not yet realised.

Author: Opus Independents 

“This report offers a framework — Power, Accountability, Connection, Trust (PACT) — through which a Civil Society Commission for Sheffield could emerge and identify a shared purpose and path forward, moving us as a city from being reactive to external shocks to being pro-active in our efforts to address ‘upstream’ the issues we collectively face.”

From the introduction:

“This report and its associated primary and secondary survey data have been compiled and produced by Opus Independents on behalf of Marketing Sheffield. Originally completed in January 2020, the release of the report was delayed due to the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic.

“The aim of the report is to explore the civil society landscape in Sheffield, celebrate its ongoing successes, and highlight the challenges it faces in terms of both its day-to-day operations and its long-term vision.

“Drawing on primary research, as well as a wide set of case studies and qualitative reflections, this report also makes recommendations to decision makers in the city. While many of the findings and recommendations remain relevant, we have updated the introduction to this report to acknowledge the vastly changed economic, social, political and environmental context that as a city we now find ourselves in.”

Read and download the free pdf in your browser, link below.

The publisher is Opus Independents. Sheffield Makes Civil Society © Opus Independents 2020.


Paper | 04.03.23

community, local government, nature & economics, Neighbourhood Care, Sustainability, England, Paper

James Lock


Director of Opus Independents Ltd

James Lock


Director of Opus Independents Ltd

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