Self-Directed Support
Self-Directed Support
People who need support are entitled to be in control of their own lives and any support they need.
Article: 17.03.25
Developing a Self-Directed Support Strategy
With the right approach councils can achieve better outcomes and reduced costs.
Article: 14.03.25
Independence for People with Complex Needs
Communication between people, carers and professionals is the key to independent living.
Article: 06.03.25
Fixing Social Care Funding
More money will help, but it is not enough, the whole social care system needs to change.
Article: 05.03.25
One Size Does Not Fit All - CQC Inflexibility
The registration process for care does not promote good quality personalised support
Article: 14.02.25
Hybrid Direct Payment Support Services
This article explores how councils can benefit from a hybrid approach to direct payments.
Article: 14.02.25
Outsourcing Direct Payment Support Services
This article examines the benefits and drawbacks of outsourcing direct payment support services.
Article: 14.02.25
Insourcing Direct Payment Support Services
This article explores the benefits and drawbacks of insourcing direct payment support services.
Article: 03.12.24
Individual Service Funds Explainer
The basic building blocks of offering personalised support with ISFs and what it means in practice.
Paper: 28.11.24
My Support Money
This template helps people be clear about how their personal budget is being used.
Paper: 03.09.24
The Citizenship Project
Inclusion North's project focused on the voices of people living in the North East of England and North Cumbria.
Article: 23.07.24
A Digital Approach to Person-Centred Planning
Digital technology is opening up new ways in which people can develop their own person centred plan.
Paper: 06.06.24
Expanding Self-Direction
Strategies for advocates to make practical progress in advancing self-direction.
Handbook: 18.03.24
How to Sponsor Citizen Network
This guide explains how to support Citizen Network, our projects and our networks.
Article: 15.03.24
Making Friends
A simple greeting generates a story of community between neighbours with common interests.
Article: 10.03.24
Supporting People with Individual Service Funds
Darwin Care support people with learning disabilities and autism in Dorset and use ISFs.
Article: 14.12.23
Integrated Personal Budgets
Integrated Personal Budgets bring together different resources to help people take control of all their supports.
Paper: 11.12.23
Personalised Support in Cancer Care
Health professionals in Lithuania are trying to improve the personalisation of their support to cancer patients.
Article: 06.12.23
Third-Party Personal Health Budgets
Third-Party Personal Health Budgets or Individual Service Funds (ISFs) are a key tool for personalising care.
Paper: 18.09.23
UNIC Transferability Study
The final UNIC report explores how to build and sustain personal budgets reforms and use EU structures.
Paper: 15.09.23
The Problem with Quality of Life
Disability strategy should be built around an ambitious vision for deinstitutionalisation and citizenship for all.
Paper: 27.08.23
Redesigning the NDIS
A vision for reforming the NDIS as a regenerative system of support co-designed with people with disabilities.
Film: 26.08.23
The Value of Peer Support
Peer support is one of the best ways to liberate the potential for citizens to change the world for the better.
Paper: 14.08.23
Self-Directed Support Scotland
There has been significant progress in Scotland in reforming disability services, but major challenges remain.
Paper: 15.05.23
Individual Service Funds at iDirect
iDirect share the experiences of 3 individuals they support who use individual service funds.
Paper: 04.03.23
Indvidual Service Funds in Residential Care
Service providers can do much more to offer people flexible support and personal budgets.
Paper: 28.02.23
This Is How I Manage
This is a Finnish tool, available here in English, to help people develop their own support plan.
Article: 19.01.23
The Seattle 2000 Declaration
The Seattle 2000 Declaration on Self-Determination and Individualized Funding.
Article: 17.11.22
Global Standards for Self-Directed Support
The SDS Network has drafted a statement for consultation on best practice on self-directed support.
Article: 04.11.22
Building the Right Support...
Why we are failing to provide the right support to people and what we can do to fix it.
Paper: 28.09.22
Un Nuevo Campo Social
Necesitamos cultivar un nuevo campo social: we need to cultivate a new social field.
Project: 09.08.22
UNIC Project
EU funded project to support the development of personal budgets across Europe
Slide: 25.07.22
The Power of Freedom
An overview of recent developments for self-directed support in New Zealand including important web technology.
Paper: 25.07.22
European Guidelines on Deinstitutionalisation
Good practice guide on the transition from Institutional to Community-based Care.
Paper: 25.07.22
Mapping Self-Directed Support in Europe
A survey of Self-Directed Support systems in Europe in 2019 produced by the SKILLS project.
Webinar: 27.06.22
Towards a Citizenship Model of Support
Ideas for developing a new model of support in Catalonia.
Album: 27.06.22
Self-Directed Support Graphics in Catalan
Infographics on self-directed support in Catalan
Article: 24.06.22
Self-Directed Support and the Future
Simon Duffy considers some of the emerging trends and how SDS can help us tackle future problems.
Article: 24.06.22
Self-Directed Support and System Design
Simon Duffy explores how you design a system of self-directed support that works for everyone.
Article: 24.06.22
Self-Directed Support and Citizenship
Simon Duffy argues that self-directed support is a tool for enhancing our citizenship.
Webinar: 23.06.22
Self Direction in Finland
Petra Rantamäki provides an overview of the development of self-directed support in Finland.
Webinar: 23.06.22
European Perspectives on Self-Directed Support
Support Girona hosted a seminar to review global and European developments in self-directed support.
Training: 02.06.22
Self Directed Futures Training
Active learning and coaching from Self Directed Futures.
Article: 23.05.22
How to Make Control Work
How can we help people to take control in a system of self-directed support.
Film: 05.05.22
Being Hatty
Hatty has paranoid schizophrenia and is 33 years old, this is her story of life now with personalised support.
Paper: 02.04.22
Different Worldview, Different Person-Centred Plan
John O'Brien reflects on two very different ways of understanding Person-Centred Planning.
Paper: 08.03.22
A New Way Home: Slovakian Edition
Help for people in Slovakia and the Czech Republic to find new paths to living in their own home.
Paper: 03.03.22
Good Practice in Personal Budgets
UNIC project describes global best practice in Personal Budgets and user-centred funding models.
Paper: 03.03.22
European Guide on Personal Budgets
The UNIC Project guide to EU countries for Long Term Care and Support based on human rights.