Citizen Network members share ideas, stories and writings on how to advance citizenship for real.
Article: 02.02.19
Doing the Donut at the G20
Respected economist Kate Raworth shows how sustainability and social justice can be used to evaluate economic…
Article: 29.01.19
Mental Health and Continuity of Care
David Zigmond asks the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care whether mental health can be advanced by…
Article: 25.01.19
AIREA - Beyond Planning
AIREA is an inclusive retreat which brings together people to find energy and direction for personal and collective…
Article: 08.01.19
Citizen Network in 2019
The idea of Citizen Network is extremely modest and wildly ambitious.
Article: 19.12.18
Making Healthcare Human
John Burton interviews David Zigmond and together they explore the growing inhumanity of modern approaches to…
Article: 19.12.18
Real Devolution for Yorkshire
The Campaign for a Yorkshire Parliament is about the kind of Yorkshire we want for present and future generations.
Article: 19.12.18
Health Needs Equality
Mike Grady makes the health case for radical cross-government reforms to end poverty, reduce inequality and building…
Article: 18.12.18
Academia is in a Critical Condition
Thomas Allan explores the emerging conversation about the social responsibilities of an academia that is…
Article: 16.12.18
Unjustified Imprisonment
Alain Catzeflis argues that the ongoing scandal of the enforced detention of young people with autism demands more…
Article: 03.12.18
Challenging Learning Disability Stereotypes
Made Possible is a new book arguing for an alternative approach to treating and supporting people and outlining the…
Article: 27.11.18
Basic Income is Good for Your Health
Anna-Carin Fagerlind Ståhl explains why long-standing evidence of work and health argues for the benefits of basic…
Article: 16.11.18
Raising the Bar
Thomas Doukas and Annie Fergusson share what happened at the second Raising the Bar, National PMLD conference on 2nd…
Article: 12.11.18
The Fight for Equal Citizenship
Wendy Perez describes the ongoing work to try and help people with learning difficulties take their rightful place in…
Article: 09.11.18
The Iatrogenic Tranquilliser Scandal
Barry Haslam has been campaigning for many years to raise awareness of the significant negative impact of the…
Article: 08.11.18
Setting Stupid Targets for the NHS
John Carlisle explains why setting targets for the NHS is both wasteful and diverts attention from the real business of…
Article: 25.09.18
Shared Decisions in a Democratic NHS
Shaun McBride argues that we must enable citizens to share in key decisions about the NHS as we begin to unravel decades…
Article: 25.09.18
Mental Health and Tentacled Snowballs
An anonymous article describing how medical and bureaucratic approaches to mental health undermine flexible and…
Article: 25.09.18
Only a New Democracy can Save the NHS
Protecting the NHS and vital public services requires radical change and reform of the UK's constitution.
Article: 13.08.18
Your Life Is Important Too
Terry Lynch shares his personal insight on why it's important for carers to take care of themselves.
Article: 08.08.18
Why not join Citizen Network?
Tim Keilty & Simon Duffy ask you to take a moment and consider joining this international movement.
Article: 07.08.18
At the Heart of Inclusion
Nick Maisey reflects on his learning from his time exploring international best practice in inclusion on the Westpac…
Article: 06.08.18
Principles for a National Health Service
9 distinctive and essential characteristics of a National Health Service according to Dr Julian Tudor Hart.
Article: 31.07.18
Myrtillo – In or out of bounds?
Myrtillo are a social enterprise in Athens offering an inclusive environment for events and a local community cafe run…
Article: 06.07.18
What is the alternative to neoliberalism?
Simon Duffy reflects on the intellectual and practical challenge facing thinkers opposed to the current neoliberal…
Article: 06.06.18
Euston, We Have a Problem
Wendy Perez has complained to Euston Station in London about the ongoing failure of their support to disabled people.
Article: 06.06.18
Lowering the Complexity Bar
Chris Ware explains why homelessness is not just a function of poverty but also of the increasing complexity of modern…
Article: 02.06.18
A Constitution for Disability Rights
8 reasons why disability rights activists should support constitutional reform.
Article: 25.05.18
How to Fund the NHS and Public Services
Gavin Barker summarises the arguments for Modern Monetary Theory and explains why government does not need to be bound…
Article: 17.04.18
Basic Income or Basic Services
Dr Simon Duffy reflects on the debate between Barb Jacobson and Anna Coote on the respective merits of UBI or UBS.
Article: 17.04.18
A Parent in Camouflage
Hanne-Maria Lappäranta describes what it's like to be a parent of someone with a disability who also works in social…
Article: 16.04.18
Elements of a New Constitution
The Centre for Welfare Reform supports the movement for a written constitution, based on radical democratic reform,…
Article: 15.04.18
Open Letter on Constitutional Reform
An Open Letter calling for a Citizen's Convention leading to a written constitution.
Article: 03.04.18
Everyone Together - process
Everyone Together began as a way to bring awareness to how self-directed support can benefit all citizens.
Article: 25.03.18
Who Is Accountable?
Alain Catzeflis argues that the outsourcing of public services to organisations like Motability has created a…
Article: 22.03.18
The Power of Self-Awareness
Maren Moss, who studied at the Manavodaya Institute explains what she learned and how awareness of the self and the…
Article: 16.03.18
Commonfare: Inclusion and the Commons
Thomas Allan argues that new thinking about the role of the Commons in our shared community life will put the ideal of…
Article: 12.03.18
Workers' Rights Versus the Right to Care
UK social policy has created a severe, but unnecessary conflict between the rights of workers and disabled people.
Article: 12.03.18
Behind Relative Poverty
The stories in Relative Poverty address the imbalance of power; Les Monaghan describes the thinking behind his…
Article: 10.02.18
The Binary Trap
Alain Catzeflis explores why our commitment to social justice has been in such decline and argues that a new approach…
Article: 07.02.18
Inequality is a Constitutional Issue
The reasons why the UK has become an increasingly unequal society and what we could do to reverse this trend.
Article: 07.02.18
Is Prevention Always Better than the Cure?
David Zigmond interviews a GP about life in the hyper-regulated NHS and explores the relevance of Minority Report.
Article: 23.01.18
Democratising the NHS
Simon Duffy sets out why the latest wave of planned reforms to the NHS must be unacceptable and proposes a democratic…
Article: 14.12.17
Becoming True Citizens
How Bournemouth People First’s LifeLink project is building connections for life by encouraging meaningful…
Article: 06.12.17
NHS Must Get Behind Personalised Support
Simon Duffy explains why the NHS must embrace personalised support for people with disabilities and complex needs
Article: 05.12.17
Building Bridges between Refugees and People with Disabilities
Vasilis Kalopisis proposes that if we value inclusion we must do so for everyone & we all benefit from bringing…
Article: 05.12.17
Improving the Keys to Citizenship
Wendy Perez and Simon Duffy are trying to improve the Keys to Citizenship as a model that works for everyone.
Article: 05.12.17
Don't Crowd Out People with Learning Disabilities
Alain Catzeflis argues that people with disabilities are being harmed by bad Government policy and people with…
Article: 10.11.17
Why the UK Needs a Written Constitution
Gavin Barker on the issues of democratic accountability and the protections we should build into our welfare system.