Citizen Network members share ideas, stories and writings on how to advance citizenship for real.
Article: 16.02.22
Electric Cars, Sharing and Decarbonising
Further measures on car use must be taken now in order to meet the UK’s overall net zero emission target by 2030.
Article: 16.02.22
Problems with Universal Basic Services (UBS)
A response by Simon Duffy to Anna Coote's criticism of UBI.
Article: 28.01.22
Disability Benefits and Suicide
A Channel Four documentary has revealed the cruel nature of the UK's disability system.
Article: 25.01.22
An Interview with Lou Townson
Lou Townson talks about her experience as a leader and an advocate in the self-advocacy movement.
Article: 24.01.22
On Social Prescribing
Social prescribing can become used in ways that are insensitive to what people really need.
Article: 24.01.22
Make Everyone a Policy Maker
PolicyEngine is a tool that gives the public an unprecedented insight into the tax and benefit system.
Article: 14.01.22
What is Citizen Network?
We are a global community working for a world where everyone matters.
Article: 02.12.21
Speaking Out
Self-advocacy becomes much easier when we have the support of friends, family and peers.
Article: 24.11.21
UBI: Unpaid Labour and Gender Relations
We need to value care and help move society away from an unjust system that advantages men over women.
Article: 24.11.21
An Interview with Katrina Kurowski
Katrina Kurowski shares her experience as a leader and an advocate in the self-advocacy movement.
Article: 23.11.21
An Interview with Patrick Burke
Jan Walmsley interviews Patrick Burke about his experience as a leader and an advocate in the self-advocacy movement.
Article: 08.11.21
Imagine a Democracy
Modern democracies must tap into the power of citizenship to tackle our severe environment and social problems.
Article: 02.11.21
The Constitutional Elephant in the Room
The lack of democratic constitution, rooted in human rights, creates a fundamental problem in the UK.
Article: 02.11.21
Yorkshire - Renewing a Regional Identity
Yorkshire has a strong identity yet it exists in one of the most centralised states in the world.
Article: 13.10.21
Moving the Centre
The Centre for Welfare Reform is changing to become Citizen Network Research, this article explains why.
Article: 13.10.21
Awed by the Human Spirit
Recollections of the early days of deinstitutionalisation and the emergence of self-advocacy by one of its pioneers.
Article: 12.10.21
Transforming Communities
Communities must be empowered to act for themselves and in partnership with public services and government.
Article: 11.10.21
Beyond Deinstitutionalisation
Looking at the causes of institutionalisation can help us identify common goals in our efforts for social justice.
Article: 10.10.21
The Corruption of Social Care Reform
Social Care is poorly understood that debates about how to improve or reform it are often empty of meaning.
Article: 29.09.21
IUCN World Conservation Congress
The IUCN World Conservation Congress is the largest gathering of conservation expertise globally, CN Ambassadors…
Article: 15.09.21
Self-Advocacy History Before 1984
The People First movement leads the way in self-advocacy today, but there were also earlier developments which should…
Article: 14.09.21
Flourishing Neighbourhoods
It's misleading to describe communities as 'left behind', we need to think how we will grow Neighbourhood Democracy.
Article: 01.09.21
Action for Responsible Management of Our Rivers
ARMOUR, the remarkable story of saving rivers and building community across South Africa.
Article: 20.07.21
Redesigning the Benefits System with Young People in Mind
Poverty for children in the UK is growing and its time for a revolutionary shift towards Universal Basic Income (UBI).
Article: 19.07.21
Our Care Home in Our Community
We have lost sight of the true meaning of care and care homes are big business, cut off from our communities.
Article: 07.06.21
Trying Out Individual Service Funds (ISFs)
Self Directed Futures' work with Bristol City Council commissioning team on their Individual Service Fund offer.
Article: 25.05.21
An Ode to the Citizen Spirit of Sheffield
Sheffield has proud history of combining diverse peoples and communities into a greater whole, with a commitment to…
Article: 14.05.21
Improve Health by Growing Community
Our health is damaged by isolation, inequality and powerlessness, so we must reconnect people by conscious community…
Article: 12.05.21
Disability Activism for the Environment
Disabled people can be champions for community and environmental change and active citizenship brings personal…
Article: 04.05.21
Local Area Coordination and Prevention
Nick Sinclair is the Director of the Local Area Coordination Network in England and Wales and describes here the…
Article: 12.04.21
The Macroeconomic Case Against NHS Privatisation
The economic case for privatisation of the NHS and other public services is false, in fact privatisation is…
Article: 08.04.21
Energy Impairment and Social Care
Many people with energy limiting impairments and chronic illness are not getting social care.
Article: 14.01.21
The Ideal of Citizenship
Simon Duffy gave this talk to the LAC Network and argues that citizenship is the ideal the world needs today.
Article: 08.01.21
Behind the NHS Logo
The Covid pandemic has challenged and stretched the NHS as never before. What kind of service is likely to emerge and…
Article: 14.12.20
Mencap's New Strategy
Mencap, who are one of the most important organisations in England working with people with learning difficulties,…
Article: 17.11.20
Caregiving: A Puzzling Problem
Beverley Smith explores the perverse way in which care is undervalued, discounted and the perverse policies which…
Article: 17.11.20
We Are NOT Second Class Citizens
Catherine Hale spoke to members of Church Action on Poverty about how welfare reforms have harmed disabled people and…
Article: 09.11.20
Will the Right Hold the North?
Alain Catzeflis argues that delivering on Brexit won’t be enough to enable the Conservative Party to retain its…
Article: 06.10.20
Welcoming Refugees into Our Communities
How can we change hearts and minds to ensure communities welcome refugees and others who need our help.
Article: 05.10.20
Access to Further Education
Gary Wootton argues that the A-Level scandal has disguised a much greater challenge - supporting those who need a…
Article: 28.09.20
Do We Need Human Contact In Medical Practice?
Have rapid recent advances in IT rendered traditional face-to-face medical consultations largely redundant?
Article: 28.09.20
A Fair and Just Future for Cornwall
The Cornwall Independent Poverty Forum's report outlining its vision for achieving social justice in Cornwall.
Article: 16.09.20
Manavodaya and Congregate Care
Manavodaya has much to teach us about what real change requires and whether the COVID19 crisis will help us move away…
Article: 16.09.20
Popping the Housing Bubble
The UK's housing market is over-inflated and even progressive policies like basic income cannot solve this without…
Article: 10.09.20
The Entrepreneur in the Wheelchair
The Entrepreneur in the Wheelchair
Article: 07.07.20
A Response to All Lives Matter
Black Lives Matter. We all need to accept that institutional and systemic racism is still prevalent in our society…
Article: 25.06.20
How Have We Misconceived the NHS?
David Zigmond argues that government is forcing the NHS to adopt the worst features of neoliberalism and communism.
Article: 23.06.20
Growing New Models of Support
How individual service funds (ISFs) can lead to new ways of supporting people in their own communities.