Citizen Network members share ideas, stories and writings on how to advance citizenship for real.
Article: 18.06.17
How Unofficial Social Policy Drives Change
Steven Rose argues that social policy for people with learning disabilities has largely been driven by collaborative…
Article: 15.06.17
A Healthy Heart for the NHS
David Zigmond argues that it is not just economics that is at the heart of the problems in the NHS - more than this is the…
Article: 05.06.17
The Politics of Poverty
Dr Simon Duffy explores ONS data on inequality and poverty and tries to get behind the myths and lies used to exploit the…
Article: 26.05.17
Social Work and Disappointment
Michael Balkow argues that social work is inevitably a profession that must attend to the inevitable limitations of…
Article: 26.05.17
Is Brexit an Opportunity to Sort Out Social Care?
Bob Rhodes argues that Brexit offers at least one silver-lining, the chance to end the procurement rules which have…
Article: 26.05.17
Industrialised Humanity
David Zigmond reviews the film I, Daniel Blake and argues that it reveals, not only the cost of austerity, but also the…
Article: 26.05.17
Assisted Dying
Michael Balkow argues that compassion and respect for the autonomy of those with terminal illnesses requires change…
Article: 08.05.17
How the Eight Steps Help
Pete Richmond explored, with colleagues on Tyneside, how Manavodaya's Eight Steps of Action help to promote…
Article: 24.04.17
One Good Thing
Malcolm Henry imagines a conversation between a leader of the Labour Party and Andrew Neil on the topic of Universal…
Article: 20.04.17
Should All Doctors be Resuscitators?
David Zigmond asks whether there are not costs to setting arbitrary standards for health and safety regardless of…
Article: 21.03.17
Abolishing the NHS Market
In this powerful essay David Zigmond eviscerates the Internal Market which is choking the NHS to death.
Article: 21.03.17
Individual Service Funds (ISFs) in Dorset
Dorset have established a ground-breaking commissioning strategy enabling people with learning disabilities…
Article: 21.03.17
Individual Service Fund (ISFs) Agreement
This Individual Service Fund (ISF) Agreement describes the contract between the person and the community service…
Article: 14.03.17
Letter on Obstacle for Personal Budgets
This open letter describes a serious block to the development of personalisation in England and calls for clear…
Article: 15.02.17
Time to Stand Up and Be Counted
Don Derrett urges us as individuals to stand up and stand against this new wave of intolerance and brutality, wherever…
Article: 31.01.17
A Social Movement for Basic Income
Bill Jordan describes how the idea of basic income inspired a pre-War social movement and wonders whether the same…
Article: 19.01.17
Blowin' in the Wind
Steve Griffiths rewords a Bob Dylan classic - a reflection on our crazy times where injustice and hatred seem to fuel…
Article: 16.01.17
Practical Social Work is Personalised
Hanne-Maria Leppäranta demonstrates the powerful impact of personalisation on the practical day-to-day work of a…
Article: 16.01.17
The Welfare State and Community
Cormac Russell argues that welfare reform in isolation of the enlargement of the commons is naive and…
Article: 11.01.17
Equal Opportunities at Work?
Fran Macilvey describes the reality of work for many disabled people and the barriers created by negative attitudes…
Article: 11.01.17
Towards an Holistic Democracy
Marion Turner-Hawes reflects back on the tumultuous 2016 and looks forward to the possibility of a different kind of…
Article: 09.01.17
Working for Lives of Common Dignity
Rhonda Galbally, a leading disability activist in Australia, explains how the National Disability Insurance Scheme…
Article: 09.01.17
The Invisible Barrier to Disability Employment
Jon Breen argues that employer attitudes to disabled workers are often based on ignorance and that these can present…
Article: 22.11.16
Supported Loving
Claire Bates is starting a campaign to share what people with disabilities think makes for both good and poor support…
Article: 25.10.16
Stop Unethical Research on Children
Catherine Hale explains why unethical research on children with ME must be stopped and urges you to sign the #stopGet…
Article: 06.10.16
Beyond Efficiency: Care and the Commons
Thomas Allan argues that respect for the Commons is critical to rethinking our approach to social care and the welfare…
Article: 29.09.16
Managing Dissent and Embracing Diversity
Nan Carle has written this moving piece on how we deal with the challenge of respectfully confronting disrespect,…
Article: 27.09.16
A Review of Social Role Valorisation (SRV)
Nan Carle explores the blessings and problems created by normalisation and Social Role Valorisation as a framework…
Article: 27.09.16
Managing Cynicism
Nan Carle sets out 8 Strategies for Managing Cynicism as a Leader of Inclusion.
Article: 26.09.16
What Austerity Means for Women
Brooke Bates explores the impact of austerity on women in the UK at the level of the individual and civil society.
Article: 23.09.16
The Integral Path
Varun Vidyarthi offers a short note on the way in which social change can and must begin by a better ordering of…
Article: 18.08.16
Data on Social Care in England
Simon Duffy pulls together some of the key data relevant to the Centre's submission to the Parliamentary Inquiry on…
Article: 18.08.16
Why are they closing our home?
John Burton describes how changes in the regulatory regime are forcing the closure of genuinely human homes where…
Article: 17.08.16
Potential New Policy for Social Care
The Centre has been working with the Socialist Health Association (SHA) on a possible new policy for social care. This…
Article: 17.08.16
What is Happening in Social Care
Jan Walmsley asked local people with learning disabilities and their families to share their experience of adult…
Article: 10.08.16
Born to Dance
Sue Blackwell shares the story of her daughter Jen's journey as she sought to follow her dreams and live a life of her own…
Article: 10.08.16
Asking Better Questions
Lindsay Tighe believes that if we make some simple changes to the way we communicate with each other, we enable human…
Article: 09.08.16
Can ISFs Save Domiciliary Care?
Martin Walker of TLAP suggests that in the midst of the severe funding crisis hitting social care the use of Individual…
Article: 08.08.16
A Career in Adult Social Care
Virginia Moffatt reviews her 30 year career in adult social care in England and the journey from institutional…
Article: 03.08.16
The Flexibility of Self-Directed Support
Simon Duffy, Pat Stack and Peter Gay report on the outcomes of a one day conference organised by the London…
Article: 03.08.16
The Solution is in Our Hands
Simon Duffy outlines some of the important elements that need to be considered in order to develop welfare reforms in…
Article: 03.08.16
Calculating Community Capacity
Simon Duffy explores the missing community capacity that needs to be identified and galvanised as part of a reformed…
Article: 02.08.16
Real Integration of Health & Social Care
Simon Duffy outlines an alternative path for achieving meaningful integration between heath and social care.
Article: 02.08.16
Heading Upstream: Deinstitutionalisation & Public Service Reform
Simon Duffy explores the challenge of moving solutions upstream and away from the institutionalised solutions into…
Article: 19.07.16
Exploring the Meaning of Poverty
Poverty isolates and divides us. It leaves us thinking we are not good enough and we are too poor to spend time with…
Article: 04.07.16
The Goal is Citizenship Not the NDIS
Kate Fulton explores what support providers in Australia should focus on to deliver better outcomes for those who will…
Article: 15.05.16
Totally Wrong List
An overview of all the Government policies which harm or disadvantage people with learning disabilities in England.
Article: 06.05.16
Personal Budgets are Just a Tool
In his sixth and final blog from Finland Simon Duffy reflects on the limits of personal budgets and the need to…