Citizen Network members share ideas, stories and writings on how to advance citizenship for real.
Article: 17.08.16
Potential New Policy for Social Care
The Centre has been working with the Socialist Health Association (SHA) on a possible new policy for social care. This…
Article: 17.08.16
What is Happening in Social Care
Jan Walmsley asked local people with learning disabilities and their families to share their experience of adult…
Article: 10.08.16
Born to Dance
Sue Blackwell shares the story of her daughter Jen's journey as she sought to follow her dreams and live a life of her own…
Article: 10.08.16
Asking Better Questions
Lindsay Tighe believes that if we make some simple changes to the way we communicate with each other, we enable human…
Article: 09.08.16
Can ISFs Save Domiciliary Care?
Martin Walker of TLAP suggests that in the midst of the severe funding crisis hitting social care the use of Individual…
Article: 08.08.16
A Career in Adult Social Care
Virginia Moffatt reviews her 30 year career in adult social care in England and the journey from institutional…
Article: 03.08.16
The Flexibility of Self-Directed Support
Simon Duffy, Pat Stack and Peter Gay report on the outcomes of a one day conference organised by the London…
Article: 03.08.16
The Solution is in Our Hands
Simon Duffy outlines some of the important elements that need to be considered in order to develop welfare reforms in…
Article: 03.08.16
Calculating Community Capacity
Simon Duffy explores the missing community capacity that needs to be identified and galvanised as part of a reformed…
Article: 02.08.16
Real Integration of Health & Social Care
Simon Duffy outlines an alternative path for achieving meaningful integration between heath and social care.
Article: 02.08.16
Heading Upstream: Deinstitutionalisation & Public Service Reform
Simon Duffy explores the challenge of moving solutions upstream and away from the institutionalised solutions into…
Article: 19.07.16
Exploring the Meaning of Poverty
Poverty isolates and divides us. It leaves us thinking we are not good enough and we are too poor to spend time with…
Article: 04.07.16
The Goal is Citizenship Not the NDIS
Kate Fulton explores what support providers in Australia should focus on to deliver better outcomes for those who will…
Article: 15.05.16
Totally Wrong List
An overview of all the Government policies which harm or disadvantage people with learning disabilities in England.
Article: 06.05.16
Personal Budgets are Just a Tool
In his sixth and final blog from Finland Simon Duffy reflects on the limits of personal budgets and the need to…
Article: 04.05.16
Next Steps on Inclusion
Simon Duffy wonders why progress to inclusion seems to have stalled and sets out the case for personalised support.
Article: 02.05.16
Personal Budgets and Health Economics
Simon Duffy, in the fifth of his blogs from Finland, explores the relationship of personal budgets to health economics…
Article: 07.04.16
Report on the Centre for Welfare Reform
Connie Faith took time to research and review the Centre for Welfare Reform - its mission and its approach and reflected…
Article: 22.03.16
Open Letter to Stephen Crabb
Ekklesia and the Centre for Welfare Reform have published a letter to Stephen Crabb calling for an end to policies…
Article: 22.03.16
The Problem with Mandatory Reconsideration
Eri Mountbatten outlines the worrying results from a recent survey of it's members by the National Association of…
Article: 22.03.16
Why I Keep Banging on About Citizenship
Simon Duffy summarises the conclusion of his philosophical essay Citizenship and the Welfare State and what it means…
Article: 13.03.16
The Difference Between Choice and Control
The fourth in a series of blogs from Finland, Simon Duffy explores the different meanings of choice and the options…
Article: 09.03.16
Rights and the Welfare State
Simon Duffy describes how the welfare state has been organised around a model of state-paternalism - not human rights…
Article: 25.02.16
Personal Budgets Just Mean Freedom
In the third of a series of essays from Finland Simon Duffy explains that a personal budget is fundamentally a way of…
Article: 15.02.16
Caring for Older People is Not a Wicked Problem
Sarah Taylor explains why ageing and the 'problems' associated with care for older people are not so much 'wicked…
Article: 15.02.16
Ending Tendering in Social Care
Simon Duffy, in the second of a series of blogs from Finland, explores the problems created by tendering for social care…
Article: 02.02.16
Politics & Economics of Personal Budgets
In the first of a short series of essays Simon Duffy explores the political and economic challenges of moving towards…
Article: 02.02.16
The Search for Suitable Housing
The hurdles Jane Gregory, her family and her daughter had to overcome in order to get a home to live in despite official…
Article: 01.02.16
Words Matter
Stephen Craig Coulson reflects on the words that are used in human services and why it matters to use words…
Article: 28.01.16
Welfare: The Leadership Challenge
Susan Harrison reflects on the challenge of being critical about the welfare state from within the welfare state and…
Article: 24.11.15
Example of Flexible Support Contract
This is a real but anonymised contract between a local authority and a service provider enabling the service provider…
Article: 23.11.15
A Response to Robin Jackson
Leading learning disability academic Jan Walmsley responds to Robin Jackson's critical report on the failure of…
Article: 06.10.15
A Citizen with Learning Difficulties
Wendy Perez writes about what it means to be a citizen with learning difficulties.
Article: 03.10.15
Learning Difficulty or Learning Disability
Wendy Perez explains why she prefers the term 'learning difficulty' to 'learning disability'.
Article: 02.10.15
Equality and the Governance of Welfare
Dr Henry Tam believes that the governance of welfare has to be conducted transparently and inclusively. Here he sets…
Article: 28.09.15
Citizenship in an Ageing Society
In the short essay Simon Duffy summarises the argument of his Sir Keith Wilson Oration at the 2014 Australian…
Article: 23.09.15
Why I Was Worried by the Assisted Dying Bill
Wendy Perez explains why she was worried by the Assisted Dying Bill and the problems people face in the hospital system.
Article: 16.09.15
Power and Love
Simon Duffy explores what we can learn from intentional communities such as L'Arche and Camphill.
Article: 13.09.15
Lessons from Intentional Communities
John O'Brien reflects on what social care can learn from communities such as L'Arche and Camphill.
Article: 24.08.15
From Basic Income to Social Dividend
Rajesh Makwana argues that it’s time to broaden the debate on how to fund a universal basic income to protect the…
Article: 24.08.15
Learning Disability is Not a Mental Disorder
Robin Jackson asks why in Scottish law people with learning disabilities are treated as if they have a mental disorder.
Article: 21.07.15
Localism: As If People Mattered
Laird Ryan calls for localism to be brought back to the grassroots where it truly belongs.
Article: 15.07.15
Supporting Staff in Person-Centred Work
Sam Sly explores how to support staff in person-centred services when money is tight.
Article: 06.07.15
Assuming Capacity
Sam Sly underlines the importance of assuming capacity to ensure people with learning disabilities get the best…
Article: 02.07.15
Open Letter to Iain Duncan Smith
An Open Letter to Iain Duncan Smith from prominent Catholics concerned at welfare reform.
Article: 25.05.15
Private Good, Public Bad
The prevailing fiction of our times is that the private sector is better at running things than the public sector,…
Article: 12.05.15
History of Keys to Citizenship
Sam Sly describes where the Keys to Citizenship came from and how they've changed over time.
Article: 08.04.15
Poverty UK
Simon Duffy explores the politics behind poverty in the UK today.