Individual Service Funds
Individual Service Funds
People need to control their own support, but also need help to manage their own Personal Budget.
Article: 17.03.25
Developing a Self-Directed Support Strategy
With the right approach councils can achieve better outcomes and reduced costs.
Article: 14.03.25
Independence for People with Complex Needs
Communication between people, carers and professionals is the key to independent living.
Article: 14.02.25
Outsourcing Direct Payment Support Services
This article examines the benefits and drawbacks of outsourcing direct payment support services.
Article: 14.02.25
Insourcing Direct Payment Support Services
This article explores the benefits and drawbacks of insourcing direct payment support services.
Article: 03.12.24
Individual Service Funds Explainer
The basic building blocks of offering personalised support with ISFs and what it means in practice.
Paper: 28.11.24
My Support Money
This template helps people be clear about how their personal budget is being used.
Article: 19.11.24
Delivering Sustainable Savings and Efficiencies in Social Care
Individual Service Funds (ISFs) offer citizens the autonomy to control their care budgets directly.
Paper: 18.11.24
Individual Service Funds Business Case Template
A practical, structured guide for Local Authorities considering implementing Individual Service Funds (ISFs).
Article: 14.12.23
Integrated Personal Budgets
Integrated Personal Budgets bring together different resources to help people take control of all their supports.
Article: 06.12.23
Third-Party Personal Health Budgets
Third-Party Personal Health Budgets or Individual Service Funds (ISFs) are a key tool for personalising care.
Paper: 15.05.23
Individual Service Funds at iDirect
iDirect share the experiences of 3 individuals they support who use individual service funds.
Paper: 04.03.23
Indvidual Service Funds in Residential Care
Service providers can do much more to offer people flexible support and personal budgets.
Project: 09.08.22
UNIC Project
EU funded project to support the development of personal budgets across Europe
Slide: 25.07.22
The Power of Freedom
An overview of recent developments for self-directed support in New Zealand including important web technology.
Paper: 25.07.22
Mapping Self-Directed Support in Europe
A survey of Self-Directed Support systems in Europe in 2019 produced by the SKILLS project.
Paper: 17.02.22
Personalising Commissioning
An overview of Individual Service Funds and how to personalise commissioning in health and social care.
Graphic: 16.02.22
Individual Service Fund Route Map
Self Directed Futures show how to shift control of health and social care into neighbourhoods.
Paper: 07.10.21
Building Bridges
Bridging Support is a powerful means of accelerating people's ability to leave institutional services, like ATUs.
Paper: 29.08.21
Personal Budgets
An Easy Read guide plus film explaining the 4 different ways of funding your care and support and managing your Personal…
Webinar: 23.07.21
Individual Service Funds in England
Learn how Individual Service Funds are giving people more choice and control over their support.
Article: 07.06.21
Trying Out Individual Service Funds (ISFs)
Self Directed Futures' work with Bristol City Council commissioning team on their Individual Service Fund offer.
Webinar: 07.05.21
A New Way Home
John Dalrymple and Frances Brown speak about their work with Radical Visions in Scotland and their guide A New Way Home.
Paper: 09.03.21
A New Way Home New Edition
A practical guide to leaving institutional care and returning to your community.
Paper: 14.12.20
Supporting and Developing the Workforce for ISFs
This guide from Skills for Care was developed over several months by the South West Individual Service Fund Network and…
Story: 10.12.20
A Self and Family Directed Adventure
Fionn and Jonathan are a father and son team who are leading the way in showing what people with Down Syndrome can…
Story: 09.12.20
It's My Choice
James has Down Syndrome and he uses an Individual Service Fund (ISF) to maintain control over his support and his life.
Webinar: 16.06.20
SDS Network: Individual Service Funds (ISFs)
Chris Watson of Self Directed Futures and Gary Kent of New Key and Jacqui Hendra of Devon County Council on ISFs.
Paper: 18.02.20
A Commissioners' Guide to Individual Service Funds
This guide offers a commissioner's perspective on how to implement Individual Service Funds and widen self-directed…
Paper: 27.02.18
Individual Service Funds (ISFs) Guide
A comprehensive guide to using Individual Service Funds (ISFs) to provide personalised support.
Article: 21.03.17
Individual Service Funds (ISFs) in Dorset
Dorset have established a ground-breaking commissioning strategy enabling people with learning disabilities…
Article: 21.03.17
Individual Service Fund (ISFs) Agreement
This Individual Service Fund (ISF) Agreement describes the contract between the person and the community service…
Paper: 21.03.17
Individual Service Funds (ISFs) Easy Read
This Easy Read guide explains how Individual Service Funds (ISFs) let people manage a personal budget without needing…
Article: 09.08.16
Can ISFs Save Domiciliary Care?
Martin Walker of TLAP suggests that in the midst of the severe funding crisis hitting social care the use of Individual…
Paper: 12.05.16
Calderdale's Guide to Individual Service Funds (ISFs)
Calderdale Council have produced a guide for Individual Service Funds (ISFs) which describes their benefits to…
Slide: 08.04.16
Getting Behind Individual Service Funds (ISFs)
Simon Duffy explores the reasons why ISFs are a helpful tool for achieving citizenship for people with learning…
Story: 18.01.16
Carla Uses an ISF
Jenny Date describes how her daughter Carla uses an Individual Service Fund (ISF) so that she can have flexible support…
Slide: 04.10.15
Trust Is The Key
Inclusion, based in Glasgow, use Individual Service Funds (ISFs) and Personalised Support but trust is the deeper…
Slide: 04.10.15
Demystifiying Individual Service Funds (ISFs)
These slides summarise guidance on the use of Individual Service Funds (ISFs) and the future of commissioning for…
Paper: 19.11.14
Better Lives
An Evaluation of the Choice Support Personalisation Programme for Adults with Learning Difficulties in Southwark.
Paper: 03.06.14
Individual Service Funds (ISFs)
Individual Service Funds (ISFs) have had a positive impact on people's lives.
Film: 15.05.14
ISFs are a Simple Innovation
Simon Duffy explains what an Individual Service Fund is, why it it is useful and what a simple innovation it is.
Paper: 02.03.12
ISFs in Action
A research report by Sian Hoolahan of Choice Support describing the progress being made in Southwark using Individual…
Graphic: 01.08.09
Individual Service Fund (ISF)
An Individual Service Fund is a useful way in which resources can be used flexibly to achieve personalised support.