Publications by date
Publications by date
There are 1630 resources.
Article: 25.02.14
Spartacus Network
Spartacus is a network of sick & disabled people who use social media to highlight the impact of the UK Government's…
Paper: 24.02.14
The People's Review of WCA Further Evidence
This report provides additional evidence to the first People's Review of the Work Capability Assessment.
Paper: 24.02.14
Mobility for All
This is a submission to the Department for Work and Pensions consultation on the 'moving around' activity of the…
Paper: 24.02.14
Emergency Stop
A report on the hidden economic and social cost of welfare reform.
Paper: 24.02.14
Briefing on PIP Mobility Consultation
The briefing sets out the concerns of disabled people and others in relation to the mobility component of Personal…
Paper: 24.02.14
Briefing on ESA Regulations
This briefing was written to alert people to the impact on disabled benefits claimants of the Employment and Support…
Paper: 24.02.14
The People's Review of the Work Capability Assessment
This report was written in response to the Work Capability Assessment (WCA) which assesses an individual’s…
Paper: 24.02.14
Closing the Door on the Law
A report on the implications for chronically sick and disabled tenants of the Housing Benefit (Amendment)…
Paper: 24.02.14
Past Caring
This report is a response to Worcestershire County Council's proposal for a Maximum Expenditure Policy in relation to…
Paper: 24.02.14
Loaves and Fishes
A report on the inadequacy of Discretionary Housing Payments to mitigate the impact of the 'bedroom tax' on sick and…
Paper: 24.02.14
Together We Shout
The ‘We Are Spartacus’ Community Submission to the Government Consultation on Assessments for…
Paper: 24.02.14
Responsible Reform
A 2012 report on the most relevant evidence available on Disability Living Allowance (DLA) and the proposals to…
Film: 18.02.14
Counting the Cuts
This film introduces the report Counting the Cuts outlining how the UK government's austerity programme has targeted…
Film: 17.02.14
What is Welfare Reform?
In this film Simon Duffy explains what real welfare reform should be about.
Film: 15.02.14
Equality and Diversity
Simon Duffy talks about how the idea of citizenship can help us reconcile equality and human diversity.
Article: 14.02.14
Reforming NDIS
Simon Schwab outlines the principles that should underpin the reform of NDIS.
Article: 13.02.14
What Went Wrong with Personalisation?
Simon Duffy explores the unfulfilled potential of personalisation.
Paper: 12.02.14
Counting the Cuts
This report was one of the first quantitative analyses providing an estimate of the cumulative impact of UK Government…
Paper: 03.02.14
Turning the Welfare State Upside Down?
Policy Paper 15 from the University of Birmingham's Health Services Management Centre on developing a new adult…
Article: 13.01.14
Dementia Is Everyone's Business
Chris Moon-Willems explains why understanding and supporting people with dementia to live well is relevant to all of…
Article: 13.01.14
Regulators Preparing for Privatisation
Is the regulatory system being used to drive forward the government's privatisation agenda in education and beyond?
Reviews: 13.01.14
Limits of Medicine
Vinesh Kumar reviews Ivan Illich's classic Limits to Medicine - Medical Nemesis: the expropriation of health.
Article: 13.01.14
5 Tips for Living Well with Dementia
Chris Moon-Willems shares five important and practical ways in which you can help someone live well with dementia.
Article: 10.01.14
G8 Dementia Summit - Missed Opportunity
Chris Moon-Willems had high hopes for the G8 Dementia Summit held in London in December 2013 to discuss the challenges…
Paper: 08.01.14
The Trouble With Person-Centred Planning
John O'Brien, one of the innovators who developed person-centred planning, reflects on the trouble that comes as…
Paper: 08.01.14
Basic Income Security
This paper by John Dalrymple and Simon Duffy sets out a proposal for the reform of the income security system in an…
Inspiration: 07.01.14
Eco Shed
David Towell describes a great innovation that provides employment for disabled people whilst supporting…
Reviews: 07.01.14
Simon Duffy reviews Nassim Nicholas Taleb's book Antifragile - things that gain from disorder.
Inspiration: 07.01.14
My Video CV
A recent innovation for VIAS has been the development of their very first app - read on to be inspired!
Article: 07.01.14
The Driving Up Quality Code
The Driving up Quality Code is about providers of care and support doing all that they can to make sure that what happened…
Reviews: 07.01.14
Basic Income
Simon Duffy reviews Daniel Raventos's Basic Income: the material conditions of freedom.
Project: 04.01.14
Campaign for a Fair Society
A campaign to provide positive alternatives to the UK's austerity programme.
Film: 15.12.13
From Isolation to Transformation
Hazel Stuteley gave this talk at TedxExeter 2013 explaining how communities can move from isolation to…
Film: 15.12.13
The Power of Dance
Shanna Dawes explains the exciting impact of the TR14ers on their own lives and their whole community.
Paper: 03.12.13
How Norms Become Targets
Kaliya Franklin analyses the way in which the use of norms in the management of disability assessment (WCA) undermines…
Slide: 02.12.13
Local Government and Welfare Reform
This presentation explores the connection between the disintegration of the current welfare system and the attacks…
Slide: 02.12.13
Ordinary Lives: Citizenship for All
Exploring the challenges of achieving ordinary lives and citizenship for people with learning disabilities with…
Slide: 02.12.13
How We Make a Life
Self-directed support systems need to pay more attention to enhancing people's ability to work and contribute as…
Slide: 02.12.13
Is Work First on the List?
A presentation for VIA Scotland on why work should be first on the list of actions for citizenship.
Slide: 02.12.13
Welfare Reform: True or False?
What is really going on when politicians talk about welfare reform? Test yourself in this welfare reform quiz.
Article: 29.11.13
Housing to End the Prison of Hospital
Sam Sly explains why special hospitals are often worse than prison and why there is a need for bespoke housing…
Article: 29.11.13
No to Competing Services - Yes to Human Rights
Sami Helle explains to the European Parliament that people with intellectual disabilities should not be trapped in…
Paper: 18.11.13
Doctor knows best?
This policy paper from the University of Birmingham's Health Services Management Centre examines the use of evidence…
Paper: 13.11.13
The Impact of Welfare Reforms
This report examines the impact of recent welfare reforms on mental health service users in the North East of England.
Article: 13.11.13
A Short History of Self Direct
Don Derrett tells the story of self direct - how it developed, what it achieved and why finally, it closed.
Inspiration: 13.11.13
Focusing on Outcomes
Tim Keilty from New Prospects explains their practical and simple approach to focusing on outcomes without the hype.
Article: 13.11.13
No Words is No Barrier
Sam Sly explores the steps necessary to ensure that children and adults with limited verbal communication can get…
Story: 13.11.13
The Reality of Disability Claims - Malcolm's Letter
Malcolm Mort tells the story of his long battle to claim his disability benefits, the failings of the system and the…