Publications by date
Publications by date
There are 1630 resources.
Film: 01.02.15
What Went Wrong with Welfare Reform?
Simon Duffy explores the reality of welfare reform in the UK.
Film: 01.02.15
Social Innovation
Simon Duffy talks about how social innovations develop.
Film: 01.02.15
What is Personalisation?
Simon Duffy talks about what personalisation really means.
Reviews: 26.01.15
Hope Against Hope
Review of Nadezhda Mandelstam's classic biography of her husband and description of Stalinist Russia.
Film: 26.01.15
Key to Good Government
Simon Duffy talks about what good government is and should be.
Reviews: 25.01.15
Greek and Roman Political Ideas
Simon Duffy reviews Melissa Lane's book on political theory in the ancient world and its relevance to modern debates.
Film: 20.01.15
Self-Directed Support
Simon Duffy talks about the development of self-directed support in the UK.
Reviews: 19.01.15
Leading from the Emerging Future
David Towell reviews a challenging book which sets out a red-green agenda to address contemporary economic, social…
Film: 19.01.15
The Fate of Social Care
Simon Duffy talks about the fate of social care.
Paper: 09.01.15
Evaluation of Employment Outcomes of Project Search UK
The South West Employment Institute (SWEI) commissioned this evaluation of employment outcomes of Project SEARCH…
Paper: 09.01.15
Practical Funding Guidance for Young People
This is a report from the South West Employment Institute (SWEI) on Practical Funding Guidance for Young People…
Film: 07.01.15
Simon Duffy talks about self-advocacy and Gary Bourlet's work with and on behalf of the People First movement.
Film: 06.01.15
Pippa and Family Leadership
Simon Duffy talks about Family Leadership and the inspiring work of Dr Pippa Murray.
Article: 05.01.15
Accessible Banking
Meike Beckford sets out how Dosh are using their experience to improve access to banking and thereby make a real…
Paper: 19.11.14
Better Lives
An Evaluation of the Choice Support Personalisation Programme for Adults with Learning Difficulties in Southwark.
Film: 18.11.14
Peer Support
Simon Duffy talks about one of the Centre's Fellows, Kelly Hicks and the work of the People Focused Group (PFG) in…
Paper: 18.11.14
Access to Banking for People with a Learning Disability
A report from Dosh on how people with a learning disability get access to banking and the problems they can encounter.
Inspiration: 17.11.14
Best Buddies UK
The mission over the next few years is to develop Best Buddies programmes in every region throughout the UK - join in.
Inspiration: 14.11.14
Talk To Me Today
Originating in Calderdale, this is a simple concept encouraging people to speak to each other, overcoming boundaries…
Film: 14.11.14
Citizenship is for Everyone
In this film Simon Duffy explains why Citizenship is for Everyone.
Film: 14.11.14
Wendy Perez on Citizenship
In this film Wendy Perez talks about Citizenship drawing on her work and her own experiences.
Paper: 20.10.14
Women Centred Solutions
Women Centred Working has been established to share information on women centred approaches for women with complex…
Inspiration: 20.10.14
Carl's Small Sparks
Carl's Small Sparks is a small grants programme that helps people do new and exciting things in their community.
Article: 14.10.14
Open Letter on Regulation
An Open Letter to David Behan (Head of Regulation) and Norman Lamb (lead politician) on the danger of relying on…
Article: 22.09.14
Just Not Fair
Jane Young, the author of Dignity and Opportunity for All gives an overview of this critical report, published by Just…
Article: 19.09.14
Travels in Human-Based Development
Pete Richmond sets out what we can learn from Manavodaya a development organisation based in India and the UK, in…
Article: 18.09.14
The Economic Necessity of Basic Income
Economist Geoff Crocker argues that the current economic system is based on flawed thinking and that a new system…
Reviews: 17.09.14
The Need for Roots
A Review of Simone Weil's The Need for Roots, a book that offers a fresh perspective on the purpose and nature of the…
Reviews: 17.09.14
Hannah Arendt - The Last Interview
Simon Duffy reviews Hannah Arendt - The Last Interview - and reflects on its lessons for thinking about the welfare…
Paper: 16.09.14
Dignity and Opportunity for All
Jane Young's report for Just Fair provides an overview of how the UK Government is failing to meet its human rights…
Article: 15.09.14
Person Centred Planning 'Tools'
Peter Kinsella reviews his time working in human services and examines the negative role of jargon, complexity and…
Paper: 01.09.14
Let's Scrap the DWP
Simon Duffy and John Dalrymple make the case for Basic Income Security - a system to integrate and reform the current tax…
Article: 25.08.14
The Problem with Dawkins' Intolerance on Down Syndrome
Mariana Cervantes-Burchell explains why the intolerant prejudice of scientists like Richard Dawkins is based on…
Graphic: 20.08.14
Keys to Citizenship - Love
Keys to Citizenship graphic - love is the 7th key to citizenship.
Graphic: 20.08.14
Keys to Citizenship - Life
Keys to Citizenship graphic - life is the 6th key to citizenship.
Graphic: 20.08.14
Keys to Citizenship - Help
Keys to Citizenship graphic - help is the 5th key to citizenship.
Graphic: 20.08.14
Keys to Citizenship - Home
Keys to Citizenship graphic - home is the 4th key to citizenship.
Graphic: 20.08.14
Keys to Citizenship - Money
Keys to Citizenship graphic - money is the 3rd key to citizenship.
Graphic: 20.08.14
Keys to Citizenship - Freedom
Keys to Citizenship graphic - freedom is the 2nd key to citizenship.
Graphic: 20.08.14
Keys to Citizenship - Purpose
Keys to Citizenship graphic - purpose is the 1st key to citizenship.
Film: 20.08.14
The Impact of Welfare Reform
Simon Duffy is interviewed by Russia Today (RT) on welfare reform and what it really means for people living in the UK.
Article: 20.08.14
Assessment and Treatment Units
Sam Sly shares her learning through helping people to leave ATUs and return to a real life and a home of their own in the…
Article: 20.08.14
Don't Judge Me, Listen
Sam Sly urges us to really listen to people's dreams and desires when supporting them to build a future for themselves,…
Article: 20.08.14
The Harm Professionals Can Do
Too often people's gifts and skills are being ignored when professionals plan with them, there is no excuse, this must…
Article: 20.08.14
Quality Checkers are the Future of Regulation
Sam Sly shares her enthusiasm for the creation of a National Association of Quality Checkers.
Article: 20.08.14
Rethinking Social Housing
Social housing isn’t working for the people Beyond Limits support who have been institutionalised for years in…
Reviews: 14.08.14
The Frugal Innovator
David Towell reviews a new book exploring how frugal innovators are finding radical solutions to pressing challenges…
Paper: 13.08.14
Civic Partnership
David Towell examines how citizen groups and local authority leaderships can work together to create the civic…