Civic Partnership

David Towell examines how citizen groups and local authority leaderships can work together to create the civic partnerships required to deliver local change.

Author: David Towell

In an earlier paper, Networking for Social Change, David Towell explores how through citizen action we can help to create local communities which are sustainable and include everyone as equal citizens. In this sequel, David continues to emphasise the importance of citizen networks as grass roots drivers of community development, but considers in more detail how local innovation can be scaled up to the level of towns and counties, typically the first or second levels of democratic local government.

Building A Better Future Through Civic Partnership examines how citizen groups and local authority leaderships can work together to create the civic partnerships required to deliver local change, which meets the triple objectives of: protecting the environment, advancing social justice and enabling sustainable economic development. 

This paper concludes with a 15 item checklist of questions to guide both ‘sides’ in these partnerships in co-producing strategies for a better future.

This paper is the latest contribution to the Centre’s Sustainability and Social Justice Project.

The publisher is the Centre for Inclusive Futures.

Building a Better Future through Civic Partnership © David Towell 2014.

All Rights Reserved. No part of this paper may be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher except for the quotation of brief passages in reviews.


Paper | 13.08.14

community, England, Paper

David Towell


Director of the Centre for Inclusive Futures

David Towell


Director of the Centre for Inclusive Futures

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