Beyond the Barriers

A Spartacus Network report into Employment Support Allowance, the Work Programme and recommendations for a new system of support.

Author: Spartacus Network

Work for those who can. Security for those who can't. Support for all.

A Spartacus Network report into Employment Support Allowance, the Work Programme and recommendations for a new system of support.

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The publisher is The Spartacus Network.

Beyond the Barriers © Spartacus Network 2014.

All Rights Reserved. No part of this paper may be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher except for the quotation of brief passages in reviews.


Paper | 08.04.14

disability, nature & economics, tax and benefits, England, Paper

Stef Benstead


Research Consultant in disability and social security

Stef Benstead


Research Consultant in disability and social security

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