Neighbourhood Democracy and Food

The Neighbourhood Democracy Movement (NDM) hosted this webinar with 4 invited guests to explore the relationship between food and democracy.

Surplus food, tackling food poverty, grow your own: these are some of the causes which have propelled thousands of people into activity in neighbourhoods across the country. The Neighbourhood Democracy Movement (NDM) hosted this webinar with 4 invited guests to explore the relationship between food and democracy.

Martin Yarnit, founder of TalkShop, provided an overview to members of the Neighbourhood Democracy Movement on how food production and distribution can be a focus for local neighbourhood action. 

In the recording below Martin talks about the national context and the basic requirements for getting started locally, and argues for food hubs in every locality to build a new system of farmer-friendly supply chains.

Find out more about TalkShop, visit:

Brighton Food Factory

Iain Chambers of Brighton Food Factory outlines the achievements that have marked Brighton out as one of the national leaders on local food policy and practice. Iain explains why only communities can solve complex problems - because only communities know who likes gravy and who doesn't.

Find out more about the Brighton Food Factory, visit:

Hull Food Partnership

Cara Bilson of Hull Food Partnership shows how the city’s approach to tackling food poverty is rooted in neighbourhoods. She explained their work with children, suppliers and local food shops.

Find out more about Hull Food Partnership, visit:

The Community Fridge Network

Tessa and Liam of HubHub and talks about the food initiatives of the environmental charity, Hubbub including Community Fridges, Food Connect and Kitchen Love.

Find out more about the Community Fridge Network, visit:

Sustainable Food Places

Vera Zakharov if the Local Action Coordinator for the Sustainable Food Places Programme which is part of Sustain - the Alliance for Better Food and Farming. She explains the role of the Sustainable Food Places programme and how it supports local initiatives across the UK.

Find out more about Sustainable Food Places, visit:

To find out more about the Neighbourhood Democracy Movement please visit:

The webinar was recorded on 28th April 2021.

Webinar | 08.06.21

community, Neighbourhood Democracy, social justice, England, Webinar

Angela Fell



Martin Yarnit



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