There are 772 resources from England.
Paper: 13.11.13
Deprived of Incapacity Benefit
Steve Griffiths explains how the old system of incapacity benefit was already depriving people of their entitlements…
Article: 12.11.13
Can You See What I See?
Vinesh Kumar explains why the Avarind Eye Clinic has much to teach the NHS and western medicine in general.
Film: 27.10.13
All In This Together
This film by Dole Animators captures some of the real experiences people are facing today in the light of recent changes…
Article: 20.10.13
How To Reform The ESA System
Simon Duffy argues that the current ESA system is deeply flawed and suggests an alternative based on a better…
Inspiration: 02.10.13
In the Hotseat with Herts Pass
Tanya Moore writes about Herts Pass a user led organisation in Stevenage that offers 'EmployerAbility'.
Article: 22.09.13
Impact of PIP on Social Care
This analysis was carried out on behalf of We Are Spartacus and estimates how the end of DLA will hit local government.
Paper: 30.07.13
Hospital - a guide to staying safe
Terry Lynch describes how you can stay safe in hospital - a guide relevant to all of us - but especially older and disabled…
Paper: 18.07.13
Whose Community Is It Anyway?
Written by Simon Duffy this paper suggests it's time to re-think commissioning and work with communities in a real…
Paper: 11.07.13
Returning Home
Simon Duffy outlines a promising innovation from Plymouth that aims to return people home from institutional care.
Article: 08.07.13
Call for a Cumulative Impact Assessment
Catherine Hale shares the text of a letter to her MP calling for her support for the Cumulative Impact Assessment.
Paper: 04.06.13
Written by Simon Duffy, this new practical guide gives advice on supporting people to be free.
Article: 03.06.13
How We Try to Keep Our Promises
Tim Keilty explains how New Prospects have designed a simple approach for helping people to network and support each…
Inspiration: 03.06.13
Community Networks
A community network is a simple but powerful innovation developed by New Prospects - team work.
Article: 24.05.13
In Memory of Carl Poll
Carl Poll was a leading innovator and champion for people with learning difficulties - he will be greatly missed.
Film: 01.05.13
People First Quality Checkers
People First Quality Checkers is an independent quality checking service run by people with learning disabilities.
Inspiration: 30.04.13
247 Grid Tool
The 247 grid tool is a simple and visual way to design an effective support package around someone’s life.
Article: 03.04.13
The Big Society Fails the Hardest Hit
Catherine Hale's article explains how a range of UK government policies target disabled people.
Paper: 02.04.13
21st Century Vision
A paper following the launch of the Housing and Support Alliance offering a new vision for the future.
Story: 07.03.13
My Rights
Nadia Clarke writes about the damaging impact that cuts to her personal budget will have on her life.
Paper: 07.03.13
Getting Help if you have a Learning Difficulty
This is a guide to getting support in Sheffield if you have a learning difficulty.
Reviews: 28.02.13
No Going Back
Authors Tim Keilty and Kellie Woodley write about the forgotten voices from Prudhoe Hospital.
Article: 24.02.13
It's Not Systems That Stop Abuse
Transformative leadership - not new systems, targets or policies - will help public services to tackle the problems of…
Paper: 21.02.13
Augmentative Alternative Communication and Leadership Research
This report outlines the power of alternative systems of communication and was written by Nadia Clarke following her…
Story: 22.01.13
Person Centred Planners Lose the Plot
The story of how one self-advocate with learning difficulties came into conflict with the Person Centred Planning…
Inspiration: 22.01.13
Pass It On Parents
This innovation is a system of peer support for families of disabled children.
Film: 16.01.13
A Fair Society?
This short 3 minute film explains how the UK Government's current programme of cuts ends up targeting disabled people.
Article: 28.12.12
Regulation without State Dominance
Bob Rhodes outlines a different approach to regulation than the on-going expansion of incompetent state-run…
Film: 06.12.12
Family Leadership
A film about Pippa Murray's work to make family leadership authentic, building on real wealth and strengthening the…
Slide: 29.10.12
Can You Buy Care?
Bob Rhodes of Lives Through Friends explores the absurdity of assuming care can be purchased in a market place. He…
Slide: 25.10.12
Help and Connect
Kellie Woodley of Skills for People outlines the Help and Connect model which is transforming their advocacy…
Paper: 24.10.12
Why Inequality Matters
Written by members of My Fair London this paper presents further essential information about income inequality and…
Paper: 21.10.12
Better Nights
An evaluation of a Choice Support initiative to improve night-time support for people with learning disabilities as…
Film: 28.09.12
The UK is Very Unequal
The UK is the third most unequal developed country - and this inequality is bad for all of us - it causes many social…
Paper: 27.09.12
Deinstitutionalisation and Community Living
This paper by David Towell explores the progress made in advancing community living over the last generation and…
Film: 27.09.12
Poor Commit the Least Fraud
A lot of fuss is made about benefit cheats - but few people realise it is the poor who commit the least fraud - it is…
Film: 26.09.12
Cuts Target Disabled and Poor
This short film shows how the UK government's spending decisions have targeted disabled people and the poor for cuts.
Article: 25.09.12
What Goes Around...
Bob Rhodes reflects on the ups and downs of building a fairer society amidst the craziness of the current system.
Film: 25.09.12
The Poor Are Very Poor
The popular myth is that there is no real poverty in the UK - however the reality is that the poor are very poor - living on…
Film: 24.09.12
Poor Pay the Most Tax
This short film explains the surprising fact that in the UK it is the 10% of poorest families who actually pay the most tax…
Paper: 20.09.12
Personalised Transition Journal Article
This article outlines the key elements of what is still the most radical version of personalisation in the UK today -…
Film: 19.09.12
Manifesto for a Fair Society
A short film setting out the principles behind and the main ideas within the Campaign for a Fair Society's Manifesto for…
Film: 18.09.12
Is the UK a Fair Society?
This movie introduces the Campaign for a Fair Society - which is organised to campaign against the injustice of a system…
Paper: 06.09.12
21st Century Beveridge
In this journal article from Policy & Politics Jon Glasby, Simon Duffy and Catherine Needham make the case for a…
Article: 03.09.12
Bridging the Rubicon
Bob Rhodes explores the gap in thinking between public services and real communities.
Article: 02.09.12
It's the Toughest of Commissions (Song)
Bob Rhodes offers a song about the paradoxes of commissioning.
Paper: 30.08.12
Innovation and the Work Programme
A case study by Su Maddock on the UK government’s Work Programme procurement process.
Slide: 30.08.12
Innovation in Welfare to Work
A presentation given by Su Maddock on Innovation in Welfare to Work.
Article: 29.08.12
Life Is Not a Commodity
Bob Rhodes reflects on the difficulties of helping people move beyond a commodified notion of the role of public…