
Bob Rhodes and Richard Davis explore the damaging impact that regulatory systems can have on intentional communities.

Authors: Bob Rhodes and Richard Davis

The unintentional destruction of intentional communities a discussion paper in association with LivesthroughFriends and Vanguard.

Regulation has become the primary mechanism for controlling the quality of health and social care services; however it is fraught with problems. 

In this important discussion paper the authors examine the case of the Camphill Village Trust (CVT) - an intentional community which seeks to bring disabled and non-disabled people together in a community of equals. They argue that the regulatory system has effectively ignored the culture and values of this community and instead asserted a set of values which assume that care can be commodified, bought and sold, and controlled like a manufactured product.

The implications of their argument go much further than the damaging impact that regulation is currently having on intentional communities. For it seems likely that this kind of regulation of care will damage any kind of health and social care service that seeks to build relationships, connect people to community and avoid bureaucratic systems of power and control. The grave danger is that the wrong-kind of regulation does not protect people from abuse; instead it becomes another kind of abuse.

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The publisher is the Centre for Welfare Reform.

Regulation © Bob Rhodes and Richard Davis 2014.

All Rights Reserved. No part of this paper may be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher except for the quotation of brief passages in reviews.


Paper | 18.03.14

health & healthcare, social care, England, Paper

Bob Rhodes


Co-Director of LivesthroughFriends CIC

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