There are 772 resources from England.
Film: 01.02.15
What is Personalisation?
Simon Duffy talks about what personalisation really means.
Film: 26.01.15
Key to Good Government
Simon Duffy talks about what good government is and should be.
Film: 20.01.15
Self-Directed Support
Simon Duffy talks about the development of self-directed support in the UK.
Film: 19.01.15
The Fate of Social Care
Simon Duffy talks about the fate of social care.
Film: 07.01.15
Simon Duffy talks about self-advocacy and Gary Bourlet's work with and on behalf of the People First movement.
Film: 06.01.15
Pippa and Family Leadership
Simon Duffy talks about Family Leadership and the inspiring work of Dr Pippa Murray.
Paper: 19.11.14
Better Lives
An Evaluation of the Choice Support Personalisation Programme for Adults with Learning Difficulties in Southwark.
Film: 18.11.14
Peer Support
Simon Duffy talks about one of the Centre's Fellows, Kelly Hicks and the work of the People Focused Group (PFG) in…
Film: 14.11.14
Citizenship is for Everyone
In this film Simon Duffy explains why Citizenship is for Everyone.
Film: 14.11.14
Wendy Perez on Citizenship
In this film Wendy Perez talks about Citizenship drawing on her work and her own experiences.
Paper: 16.09.14
Dignity and Opportunity for All
Jane Young's report for Just Fair provides an overview of how the UK Government is failing to meet its human rights…
Graphic: 20.08.14
Keys to Citizenship - Help
Keys to Citizenship graphic - help is the 5th key to citizenship.
Film: 20.08.14
The Impact of Welfare Reform
Simon Duffy is interviewed by Russia Today (RT) on welfare reform and what it really means for people living in the UK.
Article: 20.08.14
Don't Judge Me, Listen
Sam Sly urges us to really listen to people's dreams and desires when supporting them to build a future for themselves,…
Paper: 13.08.14
Civic Partnership
David Towell examines how citizen groups and local authority leaderships can work together to create the civic…
Article: 22.06.14
Help - What It Really Means
People with learning disabilities often get help that isn't very helpful. Wendy Perez explains what help really…
Film: 17.06.14
The Power of WomenCentre
WomenCentre is a pioneering social innovation based in Halifax. Local women have come together to support those of…
Paper: 12.06.14
Fulfilling Potential?
In this significant report Catherine Hale explores the experience of a key group of disabled people who have been…
Film: 15.05.14
ISFs are a Simple Innovation
Simon Duffy explains what an Individual Service Fund is, why it it is useful and what a simple innovation it is.
Paper: 14.05.14
The Impact of Cuts in Haringey
A report from Haringey Learning Disabilities Partnership Board following a survey on the impact of cuts in Haringey to…
Reviews: 06.05.14
Whitehall Through the Looking Glass
Henry Tam's excellent novel explores what happens when corporate interests take complete control of British…
Paper: 14.04.14
Citizenship for All: An Accessible Guide
Simon Duffy and Wendy Perez have written this accessible guide to citizenship - what it means and how to achieve it.
Article: 10.04.14
Sharing Our Gifts - Lessons for Social Work
Mark Harvey describes how understanding your own community gifts and assets will make you a better practitioner.
Film: 09.04.14
Human Rights for Disabled People
In this film Nadia Clarke explains how important human rights are to all disabled people.
Paper: 08.04.14
Beyond the Barriers
A Spartacus Network report into Employment Support Allowance, the Work Programme and recommendations for a new…
Article: 01.04.14
Divide and Conquer Social Work by Education
Tanya Moore offers a critique of the latest changes to social work education.
Paper: 18.03.14
Bob Rhodes and Richard Davis explore the damaging impact that regulatory systems can have on intentional…
Film: 17.03.14
Crazy Money
In this animated film, Malcolm Henry explores where money comes from and where money goes.
Story: 02.03.14
Abusing the Blue Badge Scheme
Wendy Perez is frustrated that so many people abuse the Blue Badge scheme and make life more difficult for disabled…
Article: 02.03.14
Right to the Same Life
Wendy Perez says people with learning (intellectual) disabilities have the right to the same life as the rest of us.
Article: 25.02.14
Spartacus Network
Spartacus is a network of sick & disabled people who use social media to highlight the impact of the UK Government's…
Paper: 24.02.14
Briefing on ESA Regulations
This briefing was written to alert people to the impact on disabled benefits claimants of the Employment and Support…
Paper: 24.02.14
The People's Review of the Work Capability Assessment
This report was written in response to the Work Capability Assessment (WCA) which assesses an individual’s…
Paper: 24.02.14
Together We Shout
The ‘We Are Spartacus’ Community Submission to the Government Consultation on Assessments for…
Film: 18.02.14
Counting the Cuts
This film introduces the report Counting the Cuts outlining how the UK government's austerity programme has targeted…
Film: 17.02.14
What is Welfare Reform?
In this film Simon Duffy explains what real welfare reform should be about.
Paper: 12.02.14
Counting the Cuts
This report was one of the first quantitative analyses providing an estimate of the cumulative impact of UK Government…
Reviews: 13.01.14
Limits of Medicine
Vinesh Kumar reviews Ivan Illich's classic Limits to Medicine - Medical Nemesis: the expropriation of health.
Inspiration: 07.01.14
Eco Shed
David Towell describes a great innovation that provides employment for disabled people whilst supporting…
Project: 04.01.14
Campaign for a Fair Society
A campaign to provide positive alternatives to the UK's austerity programme.
Film: 15.12.13
From Isolation to Transformation
Hazel Stuteley gave this talk at TedxExeter 2013 explaining how communities can move from isolation to…
Film: 15.12.13
The Power of Dance
Shanna Dawes explains the exciting impact of the TR14ers on their own lives and their whole community.
Article: 29.11.13
Housing to End the Prison of Hospital
Sam Sly explains why special hospitals are often worse than prison and why there is a need for bespoke housing…
Paper: 18.11.13
Doctor knows best?
This policy paper from the University of Birmingham's Health Services Management Centre examines the use of evidence…
Paper: 13.11.13
The Impact of Welfare Reforms
This report examines the impact of recent welfare reforms on mental health service users in the North East of England.
Article: 13.11.13
A Short History of Self Direct
Don Derrett tells the story of self direct - how it developed, what it achieved and why finally, it closed.
Inspiration: 13.11.13
Focusing on Outcomes
Tim Keilty from New Prospects explains their practical and simple approach to focusing on outcomes without the hype.
Paper: 13.11.13
Means Testing in ESA
Steve Griffiths explains how the introduction of more means testing in the ESA further damages the lives and families…