Spartacus Network

Spartacus is a network of sick & disabled people who use social media to highlight the impact of the UK Government's 'reforms' and cuts.

The Centre has supported the work of the Spartacus Network and hosts a number of their important publications in its library. For more information about The Spartacus Network please email Stef Benstead.

Follow the links below or on the right hand side to read the individual reports.

Disability Living Allowance (DLA) and Personal Independent Payments (PIP):

Responsible Reform

Together We Shout

Emergency Stop

Briefing on PIP Mobility Consultation

Mobility for All

Employment Support Allowance (ESA) and the Work Capability Assessment (WCA):

The People's Review of the WCA

Briefing on ESA Regulations

The People's Review of the WCA - Further Evidence

Work Capability Assessment: deaths and suicides

Beyond the Barriers

Spartacus ESA Mythbuster

Spartacus Response to cuts in ESA

Bedroom tax:

Loaves and Fishes

Closing the Door on the Law

Social care:

Past Caring

Article | 25.02.14

politics, social justice, tax and benefits, England, Article

Catherine Hale



Stef Benstead



Also see