Publications by date
Publications by date
There are 1630 resources.
Article: 06.05.16
Personal Budgets are Just a Tool
In his sixth and final blog from Finland Simon Duffy reflects on the limits of personal budgets and the need to…
Article: 04.05.16
Next Steps on Inclusion
Simon Duffy wonders why progress to inclusion seems to have stalled and sets out the case for personalised support.
Article: 02.05.16
Personal Budgets and Health Economics
Simon Duffy, in the fifth of his blogs from Finland, explores the relationship of personal budgets to health economics…
Paper: 26.04.16
Examining Commissioners' Leadership Behaviour
Peter Bohan and Graeme Mitchell research leadership behaviour in CCGs and discover that the dominant style is not…
Paper: 26.04.16
Life on the Back Roads
Dr Mark Bagshaw is Deputy President of the Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS) and writes here about his…
Slide: 26.04.16
The Right to Community Living
David Towell outlines three keys to citizenship and three pathways to positive change in the lives of people with…
Inspiration: 25.04.16
Hope - Rise & Shine
Mark Russell outlines an innovative approach to preventing unnecessary mental health crises by giving people…
Film: 15.04.16
And This Time It's Personal
WellRedFilms explores the underpinnings of the psycho-coercive practices endorsed by the government with leading…
Film: 15.04.16
Claiming Full Citizenship
The Centre for Inclusion and Citizenship has created a website hosting a series of films following the Claiming Full…
Paper: 13.04.16
Submission on Social Security 2016
In partnership with Ekklesia the Centre for Welfare Reform made a submission to the UK Liberal Democrats policy review…
Paper: 13.04.16
In the Expectation of Recovery
George Faulkner's report outlines how misleading medical research has been used to support disability cuts.
Slide: 12.04.16
A Brief History of Inclusion
A presentation to organisations seeking to advance the rights of people with learning disabilities in Finland,…
Slide: 08.04.16
Getting Behind Individual Service Funds (ISFs)
Simon Duffy explores the reasons why ISFs are a helpful tool for achieving citizenship for people with learning…
Article: 07.04.16
Report on the Centre for Welfare Reform
Connie Faith took time to research and review the Centre for Welfare Reform - its mission and its approach and reflected…
Slide: 05.04.16
Farewell to Welfare
Simon Duffy gave this talk on the demise of the welfare state under the leadership of the UK's Conservative Party at the…
Paper: 30.03.16
CoolTan Arts Report on Personal Budgets
Alison Vine of CoolTan Arts explores the practice of personal budgets as it impacts on small voluntary sector…
Article: 22.03.16
Open Letter to Stephen Crabb
Ekklesia and the Centre for Welfare Reform have published a letter to Stephen Crabb calling for an end to policies…
Article: 22.03.16
The Problem with Mandatory Reconsideration
Eri Mountbatten outlines the worrying results from a recent survey of it's members by the National Association of…
Article: 22.03.16
Why I Keep Banging on About Citizenship
Simon Duffy summarises the conclusion of his philosophical essay Citizenship and the Welfare State and what it means…
Paper: 22.03.16
Citizenship and the Welfare State
Exploring the role of citizenship in the definition and defence of the welfare state.
Story: 22.03.16
A Student Nurse and the DWP
Rebecca Allen explains what happens when a student nurse falls ill and needs assistance from the benefit system in the…
Slide: 21.03.16
What is the Good Society?
A presentation for the Adur Churches Network exploring the good society, citizenship and how we can restore the…
Slide: 21.03.16
What Went Wrong with the Welfare State?
Simon Duffy gave this talk at a Bishop's Breakfast in Bolton setting out why the welfare state is essential to justice,…
Slide: 21.03.16
What Went Wrong with Personal Budgets?
Simon Duffy explores the genesis, achievements and weaknesses of personal budgets and the problem of expecting…
Slide: 21.03.16
The Future of Welfare Reform
A presentation for Sheffield's Citizen Advice Bureau exploring the UK Government's account of welfare reform and…
Article: 13.03.16
The Difference Between Choice and Control
The fourth in a series of blogs from Finland, Simon Duffy explores the different meanings of choice and the options…
Article: 09.03.16
Rights and the Welfare State
Simon Duffy describes how the welfare state has been organised around a model of state-paternalism - not human rights…
Story: 02.03.16
The Delight in Recognising a Friend
Dominic Lodge describes the delight we find in friendship - the impossibility of any artificial replacement - and the…
Inspiration: 02.03.16
Synetopia: Resource Distribution Revisited
Henry Tam offers a new model for justice and the redistribution of resources - Synetopia.
Article: 25.02.16
Personal Budgets Just Mean Freedom
In the third of a series of essays from Finland Simon Duffy explains that a personal budget is fundamentally a way of…
Paper: 21.02.16
Making Freedom Real
Mel and George O'Neil share evidence that the use of Makaton, which gives people the power to communicate and exercise…
Inspiration: 21.02.16
Basic Income Plus
Simon Duffy on why a system of basic income plus an appropriate disability benefit would be a significant improvement…
Paper: 20.02.16
Local Area Coordination Catalyst for a System Wide Prevention Approach
Authors Les Billingham and Maureen McEleney report on the potential of Local Area Coordination to be a catalyst for…
Paper: 18.02.16
Cultivating Thinking Hearts
Zipperlen & O'Brien share writings to offer lifesharers the opportunity to grow & be more responsible to…
Inspiration: 17.02.16
MyChoice Pad
MyChoicePad is an innovative technology that helps people with communication difficulties to express themselves…
Paper: 17.02.16
Liberating Institutions
John Burton describes how the institutional assumptions of the care system undermine the creativity and community…
Article: 15.02.16
Caring for Older People is Not a Wicked Problem
Sarah Taylor explains why ageing and the 'problems' associated with care for older people are not so much 'wicked…
Paper: 15.02.16
This new publication from In Control Scotland argues that resource allocation systems are a vital part of any genuine…
Article: 15.02.16
Ending Tendering in Social Care
Simon Duffy, in the second of a series of blogs from Finland, explores the problems created by tendering for social care…
Reviews: 05.02.16
Pathfinders Review 2
David Towell reviews Pathfinders, the latest book by John O'Brien and Beth Mount published by Inclusion Press.
Article: 02.02.16
Politics & Economics of Personal Budgets
In the first of a short series of essays Simon Duffy explores the political and economic challenges of moving towards…
Article: 02.02.16
The Search for Suitable Housing
The hurdles Jane Gregory, her family and her daughter had to overcome in order to get a home to live in despite official…
Article: 01.02.16
Words Matter
Stephen Craig Coulson reflects on the words that are used in human services and why it matters to use words…
Article: 28.01.16
Welfare: The Leadership Challenge
Susan Harrison reflects on the challenge of being critical about the welfare state from within the welfare state and…
Paper: 28.01.16
Citizen's Income: A Brief Introduction
This valuable guide provides an introduction to Citizen's Income, or Basic Income, explaining what it means, how it…
Paper: 24.01.16
Assistance with Integrity
John O'Brien and Connie Lyle O'Brien share their discussion paper first published in 1994, challenging the dominant…
Paper: 24.01.16
Citizen's Income Comic Strip
The Citizen's Income Trust have produced this helpful comic strip to explain the critical concept of citizen's…
Paper: 22.01.16
Metaphors in Leadership
Michael Croft of Innovation People has developed this resource to support effective and efficient strategic and…