Life in Bolsover Today

Inequality in the UK has doubled in a generation and the consequences are felt most harshly in places like Bolsover as the Community Voluntary Partners' report shows.

Author: Bolsover Community Voluntary Partners

Inequality in the UK has doubled in a generation and the consequences are felt most harshly in places like Bolsover. Government policy has focused on reducing wages and employment rights, reducing benefits and increasing indirect taxes to harm millions of ordinary people.

Unfortunately people do not even realise what is happening and do not see it is a political process. Nor is there enough understanding of the multiple harms and costs created by a policy of increased inequality and poverty.

This report from Bolsover Community Voluntary Partners highlights several key themes:

  1. Community spirit seems to be in decline in the face of cuts and overwork
  2. Welfare reform has created poverty, fear and many are simply unaware of their basic rights
  3. Social lives are becoming narrower and aspirations lower
  4. People cannot afford the most basic necessities
  5. People are often forced between eating food or heating their homes
  6. People are struggling to stay in their own communities close to family and friends
  7. Transport services were inadequate
  8. Health and mental health is under threat as daily life becomes more difficult
  9. Social isolation and fear between different groups was growing

Alongside documenting these injustices a powerful film was produced which demonstrates that - while times are tough - there is also a powerful sense of anger and injustice in Bolsover and that people do want to find a way to restore justice to their community.

The publisher is Bolsover Community Voluntary Partners.

Life in Bolsover Today © Bolsover Community Voluntary Partners 2016.

All Rights Reserved. No part of this paper may be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher except for the quotation of brief passages in reviews.


Paper | 19.07.16

community, social justice, tax and benefits, Paper

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