Avoiding Crisis Support Needed

Bringing Us Together and Respond carried out a survey to find out what support families of disabled children and young people wanted and needed when approaching, or experiencing crisis.

Authors: Bringing Us Together and Respond

Respond and Bringing us Together are working in partnership to provide information and support to families of disabled children and young people who are approaching or who are currently in crisis. The aim is to empower and support families to use the law to challenge services and ensure they make appropriate provision for the child or young person.

In the Winter of 2015/16 they carried out a survey which was completed by 86 families from across England.

Respondents were predominantly young people and their families:

A high number of the families who responded had already experienced at least one crisis. 

The report is available to read and download in your browser here.

To find out more about Bringing Us Together visit: http://bringingustogether.org.uk/get-involved/

The publishers are Bringing Us Together and Respond.

Avoiding Crisis Support Needed © Bringing Us Together and Respond 2016.

All Rights Reserved. No part of this paper may be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher except for the quotation of brief passages in reviews.


Paper | 17.08.16

Deinstitutionalisation, Family Leadership, social care, England, Paper

Katie Clarke


Director of Visits Unlimited and Bringing Us Together

Katie Clarke


Director of Visits Unlimited and Bringing Us Together

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