Publications by date
Publications by date
There are 1630 resources.
Graphic: 05.06.17
Changing Income Distribution (1977-2014)
Between 1977 and 2014 the most dramatic changes incomes were of the richest, whose incomes increased radically, and…
Graphic: 05.06.17
The Different Kinds of UK Benefits
Benefit expenditure is primarily focused on pensions, housing costs and the collapse in middle-income salaries.
Graphic: 05.06.17
Real Poverty
Poverty is not just lack of money, its also isolation, disadvantage and exclusion
Graphic: 05.06.17
How Benefits are Distributed
Graphic: 05.06.17
Growth v Equality
Since 1949 income inequality has got progressively worse, however this has no positive economic effect on growth.
Reviews: 31.05.17
Doughnut Economics
Conventional economics is broken. Here is the radical alternative we need to shape a better future which works for…
Article: 26.05.17
Social Work and Disappointment
Michael Balkow argues that social work is inevitably a profession that must attend to the inevitable limitations of…
Article: 26.05.17
Is Brexit an Opportunity to Sort Out Social Care?
Bob Rhodes argues that Brexit offers at least one silver-lining, the chance to end the procurement rules which have…
Article: 26.05.17
Industrialised Humanity
David Zigmond reviews the film I, Daniel Blake and argues that it reveals, not only the cost of austerity, but also the…
Article: 26.05.17
Assisted Dying
Michael Balkow argues that compassion and respect for the autonomy of those with terminal illnesses requires change…
Project: 14.05.17
Chronic Illness Inclusion Project (CIIP)
Developing self-advocacy for people with chronic illness.
Album: 09.05.17
Relative Poverty
Materials developed by Les Monaghan as part of his project to show the reality of poverty in modern Britain.
Graphic: 08.05.17
Unfair Burden of Cuts
Since 2010 the UK Government has announced a series of severe cuts to benefits and to local government and social care.
Graphic: 08.05.17
Unfair Targeting of Cuts
Since 2010 the UK Government has carried out a series of cuts or 'welfare reforms' reducing the incomes of disabled…
Graphic: 08.05.17
Government Cuts
Since 2010 the UK Government has increased funding in some areas, protected funding in other areas and severely…
Graphic: 08.05.17
Benefit Fraud is Tiny
Benefit fraud is minuscule; in statistical terms it is insignificant. Tax fraud and tax avoidance are the real…
Graphic: 08.05.17
Poor Pay Different Taxes
The poor pay a higher rate of tax than the rich. Essentially the poor are paying higher taxes, because they are paying…
Graphic: 08.05.17
Inequality and Poverty
In 2016 the poorest 6.5 million individuals in the UK lived on an average of £51 per week after tax, that's about…
Graphic: 08.05.17
The Poor Pay the Most Tax
The very high levels of indirect taxes mean that the poorest 10% of the population pay about 11% more in tax than the rest…
Graphic: 08.05.17
Real Cost of Benefits
Spending on benefits and pensions is often exaggerated by politicians by only referring to the gross cost, before…
Graphic: 08.05.17
Inequality Growth
The UK is one of the most unequal developed countries in the world. Inequality effectively doubled in the 1980s &1990s…
Article: 08.05.17
How the Eight Steps Help
Pete Richmond explored, with colleagues on Tyneside, how Manavodaya's Eight Steps of Action help to promote…
Graphic: 06.05.17
Disabled People Hit by Multiple Cuts
Part of the report Counting the Cuts in 2014, which calculated the cumulative impact of the UK's austerity policies on…
Film: 27.04.17
Cuts Target Disabled People
Dr Simon Duffy explains to Anton French Films how Government policy has targeted cuts on disabled people.
Article: 24.04.17
One Good Thing
Malcolm Henry imagines a conversation between a leader of the Labour Party and Andrew Neil on the topic of Universal…
Paper: 22.04.17
Advancing Inclusive Education
Gordon Porter and David Towell offer a framework for transforming public education systems so as to provide inclusive…
Inspiration: 22.04.17
Small Sparks Grants Programme
Bob Rhodes outlines how Small Sparks grants can work at the level of the parish as he sets out the framework published by…
Paper: 21.04.17
State Crime by Proxy
In this paper Mo Stewart continues her research into the links between the DWP, Atos Healthcare & Unum Insurance.
Paper: 20.04.17
UBI: A Psychological Impact Assessment
An important report which sets out the case for Universal Basic Income (UBI) from the perspective of psychologists.
Paper: 20.04.17
Complex Needs Learning History
John O'Brien shares the perspectives of leading practitioners in personalised support from the New York State…
Article: 20.04.17
Should All Doctors be Resuscitators?
David Zigmond asks whether there are not costs to setting arbitrary standards for health and safety regardless of…
Project: 06.04.17
Don’t Use LD
Challenging language used by health and social care professionals.
Article: 21.03.17
Abolishing the NHS Market
In this powerful essay David Zigmond eviscerates the Internal Market which is choking the NHS to death.
Article: 21.03.17
Individual Service Funds (ISFs) in Dorset
Dorset have established a ground-breaking commissioning strategy enabling people with learning disabilities…
Article: 21.03.17
Individual Service Fund (ISFs) Agreement
This Individual Service Fund (ISF) Agreement describes the contract between the person and the community service…
Paper: 21.03.17
Individual Service Funds (ISFs) Easy Read
This Easy Read guide explains how Individual Service Funds (ISFs) let people manage a personal budget without needing…
Film: 16.03.17
Films from Claiming Full Citizenship
Take a look at this great set of films addressing citizenship from a variety of perspectives.
Article: 14.03.17
Letter on Obstacle for Personal Budgets
This open letter describes a serious block to the development of personalisation in England and calls for clear…
Slide: 09.03.17
Sam – Citizenship is for everyone
Sam Sly explains why people value citizenship, what the keys to citizenship are and why they matter to people with…
Inspiration: 08.03.17
Local Area Coordination – system innovation
Local Area Coordination is making a positive difference to people, communities and services across England and…
Story: 07.03.17
Carers Benefits and Basic Income
Citizen K explores the strange paradoxes of the UK's benefit system and argues for a system of basic income.
Story: 06.03.17
When is Change Progress?
David Zigmond describes his final reflections as CQC closes down his GP practice for its refusal to be fully compliant…
Story: 05.03.17
When is Compliance Necessary for Public Safety?
David Zigmond explores how regulation, disconnected from people's real experience and evidence of impact, can…
Story: 01.03.17
Assessing Need Under Austerity
Virginia Moffatt compares previous efforts to assess the need for social care with the current systems emerging as…
Paper: 01.03.17
Common Threads: Changing Stories - Stories of Change
John O'Brien shares his reflections on the practice of Independent Facilitation following a conference organised by…
Inspiration: 16.02.17
Fighting for Inclusion or Building Community?
New Prospects shifted their focus on advocacy for inclusion towards building community with encouraging results.
Article: 15.02.17
Time to Stand Up and Be Counted
Don Derrett urges us as individuals to stand up and stand against this new wave of intolerance and brutality, wherever…
Inspiration: 15.02.17
OmaPolku - My Path
NEO-OmaPolku is an innovative Finnish organisation helping people with intellectual disabilities to start their…