
Your search for individual service funds produced 110 results.

  1. Research shows impact of ISFs

    Better Lives - an evaluation of personalisation in Southwark published today.

    News 2014-11-20

  2. The Macroeconomic Case Against NHS Privatisation

    The economic case for privatisation of the NHS and other public services is false, in fact privatisation is economically dangerous.

    Article 2021-04-12 12:48:00

  3. Redesigning the Benefits System with Young People in Mind

    Poverty for children in the UK is growing and its time for a revolutionary shift towards Universal Basic Income (UBI).

    Article 2021-07-20 16:01:00

  4. Building the Right Support...

    Why we are failing to provide the right support to people and what we can do to fix it.

    Article 2022-11-04 11:15:00

  5. Personalised Education

    Personalised education is a widely stated ambition, and some local leaders are making progress, but central systems tend to undermine effective personalisation.

    Article 2011-02-01 12:54:00

  6. West Lancashire Peer Support

    Les Scaife describes how the West Lancashire Peer Support Group was born and the work it continues to do.

    Article 2012-05-13 14:28:00

  7. Industrialised Humanity

    David Zigmond reviews the film I, Daniel Blake and argues that it reveals, not only the cost of austerity, but also the industrialisation and automation of our relationships.

    Article 2017-05-26 12:08:00

  8. Alternatives to ATUs

    Steven Rose explains why there are alternatives to ATUs and the private hospitals where too many people with disabilities remain incarcerated.

    Article 2017-07-17 15:25:00

  9. Lobbying for Self-Directed Support

    Simon Duffy describes some of the strategies that can be used to shift systems towards the use of self-directed support.

    Article 2019-07-01 10:57:00

  10. Mencap's New Strategy

    Mencap, who are one of the most important organisations in England working with people with learning difficulties, have announced some big changes.

    Article 2020-12-14 16:30:00

  11. UNIC Transferability Study

    The final UNIC report explores how to build and sustain personal budgets reforms and use EU structures.

    Paper 2023-09-18 15:08:00

  12. ISFs in Action - to be published on 7 March 2012

    How a large block contract was converted into individual service funds - report launch 7 March…

    News 2012-03-05

  13. ISFs in Action

    A research report by Sian Hoolahan of Choice Support describing the progress being made in Southwark using Individual Service Funds.

    Paper 2012-03-02 16:06:00

  14. ISFs are a Simple Innovation

    Simon Duffy explains what an Individual Service Fund is, why it it is useful and what a simple innovation it is.

    Film 2014-05-15 14:02:00

  15. Self-Advocacy History Before 1984

    The People First movement leads the way in self-advocacy today, but there were also earlier developments which should not be forgotten.

    Article 2021-09-15 11:39:00

  16. Breaking the ATU Impasse

    Steven Rose wonders why Government policy to close ATUs and end the admission of people with learning disabilities to private hospitals has been so poor.

    Article 2017-06-19 14:35:00

  17. Map of ISFs in England

    A map showing progress on Individual Service Funds (ISFs) in England.

    Map 2019-05-29 13:58:00

  18. NHS Reform: Money Can't Buy Love

    David Zigmond argues that more money alone won't restore the NHS to the values of its birth. The NHS needs more trust, freedom and cooperation.

    Article 2019-11-29 14:53:00

  19. Welcoming Refugees into Our Communities

    How can we change hearts and minds to ensure communities welcome refugees and others who need our help.

    Article 2020-10-06 14:24:00

  20. Self Directed Futures Training

    Active learning and coaching from Self Directed Futures.

    Training 2022-06-02 16:30:00

  21. The Power of Freedom

    A New Zealand Initiative report on the positive progress of self-directed support in New Zealand.

    Paper 2021-09-28 12:11:00

  22. Personalising Commissioning

    An overview of Individual Service Funds and how to personalise commissioning in health and social care.

    Paper 2022-02-17 18:08:00

  23. How to Make Control Work

    How can we help people to take control in a system of self-directed support.

    Article 2022-05-23 14:55:00

  24. Our Story

    Citizen Network was launched in 2016.

  25. A New Way Home is published

    Ground-breaking guide now published to ensure people leave institutional care directly into…

    News 2017-12-05

  26. Self-Directed Support for Europe

    Launch of UNIC a 3 year programme to develop, test and validate a set of innovative tools to…

    News 2021-02-09

  27. Born to Dance

    Sue Blackwell shares the story of her daughter Jen's journey as she sought to follow her dreams and live a life of her own choosing.

    Article 2016-08-10 18:15:00

  28. Fellow wins major international award

    Steven Rose, CEO of Choice Support and a fellow of The Centre wins Platinum Award for work on…

    News 2015-06-19

  29. Resource Allocation System (RAS)

    A Resource Allocation System (RAS) is any set of rules that allows fair allocations to be made to people who need extra support.

    Inspiration 2009-08-01 15:01:00

  30. 29 April: A New Way Home

    Getting people out of institutions requires a commitment to self-direction for all. Hear from…

    News 2021-04-10

  31. Better Lives

    An Evaluation of the Choice Support Personalisation Programme for Adults with Learning Difficulties in Southwark.

    Paper 2014-11-19 22:10:00

  32. Buurtzorg and Self-Management

    Buurtzorg is a powerful social innovation, started in the Netherlands, which enables self-management and continuity of care.

    Article 2020-02-24 14:43:00

  33. Pro-Innovation NDIS

    How NDIS could be developed to promote, not hinder, social innovation.

    Article 2014-06-26 22:15:00

  34. Care Cuts: Indignity & Uprootedness

    An anonymous account of the reality of social care for one man with complex disabilities in the United Kingdom.

    Story 2016-08-04 09:09:00

  35. Disability Rights and Democracy

    Matt Rothschild explains how the US electoral system is corrupted by the power of money and corporations that threaten human and disability rights.

    Article 2017-07-10 09:25:00

  36. Sarah Holmes

    Sarah is a freelance consultant working with health and social care sector and…

  37. Bring Our People Home

    The Centre and Radical Visions publish a guide for helping people return home from…

    News 2021-03-10

  38. Working with 'Vulnerability'

    A summary of a talk given by Dr Simon Duffy at the meeting of Churches Together in South Yorkshire, Spring Forum in April 2013.

    Article 2013-11-12 19:27:00

  39. The Threat of Micro-Institutionalisation

    Robin Jackson explains why people with learning disabilities are threatened by a growing trend to micro-institutionalisation.

    Article 2015-03-25 11:58:00

  40. Getting There

    Simon Duffy's second report on the work of Beyond Limits and Northern, Eastern and Western Devon Clinical Commissioning Group to bring people home.

    Paper 2015-04-08 22:08:00

  41. History of Keys to Citizenship

    Sam Sly describes where the Keys to Citizenship came from and how they've changed over time.

    Article 2015-05-12 16:20:00

  42. Personal Budgets are Just a Tool

    In his sixth and final blog from Finland Simon Duffy reflects on the limits of personal budgets and the need to understand why things change.

    Article 2016-05-06 14:29:00

  43. I Would Never Have Believed

    A report from the Thistle Foundation and Animate on Learning from the Individual Service Fund (ISF) Pilot undertaken in 2014.

    Paper 2016-07-20 16:20:00

  44. It's My Choice

    James has Down Syndrome and he uses an Individual Service Fund (ISF) to maintain control over his support and his life.

    Story 2020-12-09 11:24:00

  45. Steven Rose

    After a career working to improve people\'s lives, first 17 years in the NHS culminating in a…

  46. Nikki Henderson

    Nikki is a Senior Adviser at the Local Government Association. She has always worked…

  47. Open Letter to Iain Duncan Smith

    An Open Letter to Iain Duncan Smith from prominent Catholics concerned at welfare reform.

    Article 2015-07-02 23:58:00

  48. How to Crowdfund

    How to use crowdfunding to support your projects.

    Handbook 2019-02-06 13:04:00

  49. European Guidelines on Deinstitutionalisation

    Good practice guide on the transition from Institutional to Community-based Care.

    Paper 2022-07-25 16:00:00

  50. Self-Directed Support Scotland

    There has been significant progress in Scotland in reforming disability services, but major challenges remain.

    Paper 2023-08-14 13:41:00

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