Re-Imagining Brokerage

This important paper from Liz Leach, Chair of the National Brokerage Network provides a new starting point for brokerage.

Author: Liz Leach

The idea of brokerage seems simple - helping people to find their way through the often complex systems of disability support to a better life. However there has been a lot of confusion about what it should mean, who can do it and how it works. This important paper from the Chair of the National Brokerage Network provides a new starting point for brokerage:

Brokerage is not the answer to every problem - but it is a better way of thinking about how we can be allies and help change to happen as people take control over their own lives.

Read and download the free pdf in your browser here.

The publisher is the Centre for Welfare Reform.

Re-Imagining Brokerage © Liz Leach 2015.

All Rights Reserved. No part of this paper may be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher except for the quotation of brief passages in reviews.


Paper | 22.04.15

community, Self-Directed Support, social care, England, Paper

Liz Leach Murphy



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