children and families
children and families
childcare | women centres | domestic violence | parenting | gender equality | family leadership
Slide: 04.10.15
What's Wrong with Welfare Reform
A presentation given to bishops' spouses about Women Centred Solutions and what went wrong with welfare reform.
Inspiration: 23.09.15
The Adelante Foundation in Honduras
David Towell reports on his visit to a Foundation in Honduras promoting the empowerment and employment of…
Paper: 20.10.14
Women Centred Solutions
Women Centred Working has been established to share information on women centred approaches for women with complex…
Film: 17.06.14
The Power of WomenCentre
WomenCentre is a pioneering social innovation based in Halifax. Local women have come together to support those of…
Story: 14.05.14
Excluded from University
Nadia would like to take a Disability Studies course at University. Katie Clarke writes about the barriers her…
Film: 09.04.14
Human Rights for Disabled People
In this film Nadia Clarke explains how important human rights are to all disabled people.
Paper: 12.11.13
Layers of Inequality
A Human Rights and Equality Impact Assessment of the Public Spending Cuts on Black Asian and Minority Ethnic Women in…
Film: 31.07.13
This film is about Manavodaya - a people based approach to social change which has empowered some of the poorest women in…
Paper: 20.09.12
Personalised Transition Journal Article
This article outlines the key elements of what is still the most radical version of personalisation in the UK today -…
Graphic: 17.06.12
Complexity for Women & Families
Services for women and families are incredibly complex and grow in complexity the more people need something…
Paper: 22.05.12
Teachers as Leaders in the Journey to Inclusive Schools
This paper written by David Towell and Heidy Araque offers a framework for thinking about the issues to be addressed in…
Inspiration: 08.05.12
Manavodaya - Participatory Development
Carl Poll provides a brief outline of the innovative work of the Manavodaya Institute of Participatory Development.
Article: 21.12.11
120,000 Reasons to Listen to Women
Clare Hyde wonders whether the government's thinking about focusing on 'problem' families is informed by an…
Paper: 07.11.11
Personalised Transition Briefing
This paper provides a clear account of the Personalised Transition that has transformed the post-school experience…
Paper: 05.09.11
Advancing Inclusive Education for an Inclusive Society
Reflections on a journey in Latin America in Spring 2011 where the authors examine different experiences of…
Paper: 29.06.11
Developing Family Leadership
Help families take the lead by building new relationships built upon equality and mutual respect.
Slide: 27.06.11
WomenCentre Slides
WomenCentre is one the most effective and innovative organisations in the UK - combining personalisation with…
Inspiration: 12.06.11
WomenCentre Model
WomenCentre has worked out how to integrate personalisation and collective action in a sophisticated and dynamic…
Paper: 12.04.11
Local Justice
Clare Hyde argues that the current criminal justice system is failing communities by drawing resources into damaging…
Film: 24.03.11
A Fair Start - reforming services for disabled children
Dr Pippa Murray founder of ibk initiatives and inventor of the Personalised Pathway on A Fair Start.
Film: 24.03.11
Local Justice
Clare Hyde MBE of the WomenCentre and founder of The Foundation for Families on Local Justice.
Project: 04.01.11
Personalised Transition
How transition should work for families and young people with disabilities.
Books: 01.01.11
Development from Within
This book highlights the power of group reflection for achieving sustainable change in all forms of human development
Paper: 20.12.10
A Fair Start
A pathway to enable disabled children and their families to take control of health, education and care funding.
Paper: 08.03.10
Personalised Transition
How to give young people with disabilities and their families a new level of control over their life after school.
Graphic: 01.08.09
Personalised Transition
Personalised Transition is the process for enabling families and young people to take control of their support and…
Graphic: 01.08.09
Personalised Pathway
The Personalised Pathway is a model for services and support for children and families - it puts families in the driving…
Graphic: 01.08.09
WomenCentre Model
The WomenCentre offers an empowering, sophisticated and innovative model for meeting the needs of vulnerable women.