children and families
children and families
childcare | women centres | domestic violence | parenting | gender equality | family leadership
Article: 06.03.25
Fixing Social Care Funding
More money will help, but it is not enough, the whole social care system needs to change.
Reviews: 25.11.24
UK Education: Still Awaiting an Inclusive Future
David Towell reviews two books focusing on the development of inclusive education in England.
Paper: 08.10.24
Whole System Change in Education
David Towell and colleagues seek to draw lessons from recent experience in La Pampa, Argentina.
Paper: 10.09.24
Care (Education) & Treatment Reviews and Dynamic Support Registers
Practical advice from families can ensure people with learning disabilities or autism avoid institutional care.
Paper: 09.09.24
The Antecedents of An Ordinary Life 1946 - 1979
Deinstitutionalisation and the Ordinary Life movement emerged from a long history of reform.
Article: 24.07.24
Developing Neighbourhood Care in South Yorkshire
Leaders in South Yorkshire gathered together to begin developing a neighbourhood care strategy.
Article: 23.07.24
A Digital Approach to Person-Centred Planning
Digital technology is opening up new ways in which people can develop their own person centred plan.
Paper: 04.03.24
Culture Matters
A report sharing how culture can impact parents who have children with autism or learning disabilities.
Story: 13.10.23
Kuza Nila: Meeting Your Purpose
Eagle Wings works with young people in schools and communities in Kenya.
Film: 26.08.23
The Value of Peer Support
Peer support is one of the best ways to liberate the potential for citizens to change the world for the better.
Article: 20.09.22
Reimagining Disability in Family Life
The ideal of citizenship helps a father reset his relationship with his daughter with disabilities.
Story: 07.03.22
Molly's Poem
Everyone in life is dealt a different card. Some have life easy, some have it hard.
Story: 25.01.22
A Dark Childhood
Claire Louise hopes her writing will help others reach out and get help.
Article: 20.07.21
Redesigning the Benefits System with Young People in Mind
Poverty for children in the UK is growing and its time for a revolutionary shift towards Universal Basic Income (UBI).
Paper: 20.07.21
What Can We Do With Those Families?
Too often families are treated disrespectfully, even by those seeking to advance inclusion or person-centred work.
Reviews: 04.06.21
Those Who Can, Teach
This book is an eloquent testimony to the importance of investing in quality education to enrich the futures of all…
Paper: 02.03.21
Pregnant in An Age of Compliance
An exploration of pregnancy amidst the myths of medical technology and power.
Paper: 19.01.21
Los Maestros Como Líderes
Una breve guía para lograr una educación inclusiva y de calidad para todos.
Paper: 15.01.21
Teachers As Leaders
A short guide to achieving inclusive and quality education for all.
Article: 17.11.20
Caregiving: A Puzzling Problem
Beverley Smith explores the perverse way in which care is undervalued, discounted and the perverse policies which…
Paper: 21.01.20
ALLFIE Manifesto for Inclusive Education
The Alliance for Inclusive Education's (ALLFIE) manifesto demands Government moves to a fully inclusive education…
Slide: 28.10.19
Adventurous Social Work
The reality of self-directed support for social workers and helping families to develop practical solutions.
Article: 25.10.19
How Are the Children?
Are we achieving the goals set out in 1989 by the UN in The Convention on the Rights of the Child?
Paper: 02.06.19
Estrategias para la Transformación Escolar
David Towell comparte otras notas sobre el desarrollo de estrategias para lograr la transformación escolar desde…
Paper: 02.06.19
12 Lecciones de América Latina
Stephanía Duarte Mora y David Towell exploran cómo las asociaciones familiares nacionales están promoviendo el…
Paper: 29.05.19
Strategies for School Transformation
David Towell shares further notes on developing strategies for achieving school transformation from within.
Paper: 29.05.19
12 Lessons from Latin America
Stephanía Duarte Mora and David Towell explore how national family associations are promoting educational change…
Paper: 07.03.19
Money as a Human Right
Maria Lyons combines an analysis of economics with an understanding of inclusion to offer a radical argument for basic…
Article: 12.02.19
Childcare Policy and the Economy
Childcare policy in the UK wrongly assumes that professionalised solutions are always best for children and…
Paper: 04.02.19
Transgender Children and Social Work
This paper explores how social workers and professionals can approach an understanding of the complexity of working…
Paper: 21.01.19
Life after Violence
An Inclusion Europe report on how women with intellectual disabilities cope with the violence they have experienced…
Training: 06.12.18
Manavodaya Institute
Manavodaya means Human Awakening and the Manavodaya Institute for Participatory Development is a powerful engine…
Paper: 25.09.18
Careless Care
When the state takes children into its care it has a responsibility to support them into adulthood and as they become…
Paper: 03.05.18
Now and Next
The innovative leadership pipeline for families with young children with disability or delay developed by Plumtree.
Paper: 29.03.18
Families As Leaders
Three mothers of disabled children share their stories and the strategies they are pursuing to transform public…
Reviews: 15.01.18
The Great Troubled Families Fraud
Simon Duffy reviews Professor Gregg's book on the fraud and dishonesty behind the Troubled Families Programme.
Article: 01.11.17
Manavodaya - A Quiet Revolution
Carl Poll & Varun Vidyarthi describe the quiet revolution of participatory development in Uttar Pradesh, India.
Paper: 16.10.17
Promoviendo la educación inclusiva
Este último folleto usa el ejemplo de la provincia canadiense de Nueva Brunswick para ofrecer un marco para…
Inspiration: 17.08.17
Manavodaya - Eight Steps in Action
Varun Vidyarthi outlines the Eights Steps in Action - the actions that underpin effective self-discipline for…
Graphic: 05.06.17
Real Poverty
Poverty is not just lack of money, its also isolation, disadvantage and exclusion
Paper: 22.04.17
Advancing Inclusive Education
Gordon Porter and David Towell offer a framework for transforming public education systems so as to provide inclusive…
Reviews: 11.01.17
Unfinished Business: Women Men Work Family
Maria Lyons reviews a book which explores the celebrates caregiving as an essential role for men and women.
Article: 26.09.16
What Austerity Means for Women
Brooke Bates explores the impact of austerity on women in the UK at the level of the individual and civil society.
Paper: 19.07.16
A Troubling Truth
Dr Claudia Gillberg reflects on her own experience of living with the chronic illness, myalgic encephalomyelitis or…
Paper: 16.05.16
Taking Forward Women Centred Solutions
This guide shows how gendered approaches can help unlock solutions to complex problems, delivering multiple…
Paper: 12.05.16
Siete Claves para la Educación Inclusiva
David Towell ofrece una perspectiva internacional sobre el desarrollo de la educación inclusiva.
Paper: 11.05.16
Fomentar la Educación para Forjar una Sociedad Inclusiva
The Spanish translation of David Towell and Heidy Araque's paper on promoting education for an inclusive society.
Paper: 09.05.16
Educación Para Un Mañana Mejor
Esta es la versión actualizada del folleto más reciente en la serie de folletos producida por David Towell y sus…