Reflections on a journey in Latin America in Spring 2011 where the authors examine different experiences of inclusion.
Authors: Heidy Tatiana Araque Sierra and David Towell
This is the story of a journey. For three weeks in the Spring the authors had the privilege of travelling to four countries (Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua and Colombia) and seven cities (Mexico City, Guatemala City, Managua, Jinotepe, Bogotá, Cali and Bucaramanga/Floridablanca) meeting people active in leading local and national strategies designed to advance inclusive education in Latin America.
It was a journey of exploration in which the authors sought to learn from experiences in different countries and help the people they met share their learning with each other. The authors also had the opportunity to work with civil society and educational leaders in Colombia (Cali and Bucaramanga) as they planned further efforts to achieve ‘education for all’.
In this short report the authors try to summarise what they learnt during this journey as a resource to others, especially in Latin America, who share the vision of seeing every child and young person in these diverse societies get a high quality education together in local schools which serve the whole community.
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The publisher is the Centre for Inclusive Futures. Advancing Inclusive Education for an Inclusive Society © Heidy Tatiana Araque Sierra and David Towell 2011. All Rights Reserved. No part of this paper may be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher except for the quotation of brief passages in reviews.
children and families, education, Inclusion, Inclusive Education, intellectual disabilities, Global, Paper