Publications by date
Publications by date
There are 1630 resources.
Slide: 09.05.11
Citizenship - the missing key to public policy and welfare reform
Presentation for the Masters in Public Administration Annual Conference on the value of citizenship in public policy…
Paper: 03.05.11
Using the Law to Fight the Cuts
This guide sets out the most important principles of the law in England which can be used to fight the cuts to services for…
Article: 01.05.11
Real Welfare Reform
Real welfare reform is about designing a welfare state that ensures everyone gets the support they need to live good and…
Film: 28.04.11
Prospects for Radical Welfare Reform
Phillip Collins, Leader Writer for The Times, Chair of DEMOS and ex-Speech Writer for Tony Blair, reflects on the…
Film: 28.04.11
About the Centre for Welfare Reform
Fellows of the Centre for Welfare Reform discuss social justice, citizenship and the reason for setting up the Centre.
Paper: 28.04.11
From Unfair Cuts to a Fair Society
This paper sets out the case for radical reform of the system of support to older and disabled people, and all those…
Paper: 12.04.11
Local Justice
Clare Hyde argues that the current criminal justice system is failing communities by drawing resources into damaging…
Paper: 08.04.11
A New Reablement Journey
This document describes a very different way of maximising independence, seeing it as something that should underpin…
Article: 03.04.11
Planning with Families
Pippa Murray summarises the main things you need to do to help families plan for themselves and disabled family…
Article: 02.04.11
Cuts - Yes, Minister
Geoff Tudor imagines the discussions that led to plans to cut mobility allowance for people inside residential care…
Inspiration: 31.03.11
Social Work Rescript
The role of the care manager needs to be radically redesigned in order to make best use of social work skills and the new…
Film: 24.03.11
A Fair Start - reforming services for disabled children
Dr Pippa Murray founder of ibk initiatives and inventor of the Personalised Pathway on A Fair Start.
Film: 24.03.11
Family Income Security
Dr Simon Duffy, Director of the Centre for Welfare Reform, explores how we could reform the income security of all…
Film: 24.03.11
Outside the State - civil society alternatives
Craig Dearden-Phillips MBE founder of Stepping Out and Speaking Up on Outside the State.
Film: 24.03.11
Introduction to the Centre
Dr Simon Duffy, Director of the Centre for Welfare Reform describes the purpose and design of the Centre at its…
Film: 24.03.11
Active Patient
Vidhya Alakeson of the Resolution Foundation describes how personalisation and the use of individual budgets in…
Film: 24.03.11
Local Justice
Clare Hyde MBE of the WomenCentre and founder of The Foundation for Families on Local Justice.
Slide: 22.03.11
Developing Policies for the Campaign for a Fair Society
Slides that explore the development of personalisation, the unfairness of the current cuts and the kind of policies we…
Article: 21.03.11
In Memory of Wolf Wolfensberger
A man who probably did more to change the understandings and situations for disabled and vulnerable people and their…
Paper: 21.03.11
Competency in Practice-Based Commissioning
A summary of effective approaches to Patient and Public Involvement for GP consortia.
Reviews: 20.03.11
The Spirit Level: why equality is better for everyone
Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett demonstrate that inequalities damage the wellbeing of everyone in society - not…
Graphic: 20.03.11
New Script for Social Work
Personalisation and the best use of social work skills demands a new script to replace the broken system of care…
Article: 15.03.11
Proactive Primary Care
An example of how UK primary care can offer safer more supportive personalised care whilst saving money at the same…
Article: 14.03.11
How Can We Save the Big Society?
Gabriel Chanan and Colin Miller argue that the Big Society project will fail unless it focuses on real community…
Slide: 09.03.11
Personalisation & Young People
An exploration of the impact that personalisation could have on support and services for young people.
Paper: 04.03.11
A Fair Society and the Limits of Personalisation
This discussion paper describes how the current cuts that target disabled people reflect deep flaws within the…
Slide: 04.03.11
A Fair Society - Tizard Annual Lecture
These slides were given as part of the 2011 Tizard Lecture given by Simon Duffy on A Fair Society & the Limits of…
Article: 03.02.11
UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
This is a powerful vision of the opportunities and support which should be available to disabled people and their…
Article: 03.02.11
Unfair Cuts
Public expenditure cuts by the UK government will target disabled people, older people who need extra help, poor…
Article: 03.02.11
Unfair Cuts in Detail
The current social care system in the UK is deeply unfair and needs reforming; however current efforts by Central…
Article: 02.02.11
Changes to Housing Funding
Housing Options explains how current changes to the funding of housing will reduce housing mobility, home ownership…
Article: 01.02.11
Personalised Education
Personalised education is a widely stated ambition, and some local leaders are making progress, but central systems…
Inspiration: 31.01.11
Commissioning for Innovation
Commissioning for innovation means focusing on the real assets of community in order to shape innovative and…
Paper: 31.01.11
First and Last
Mark Brend describes the history of the closure of the learning disabilities hospitals that were once used to…
Paper: 25.01.11
Basic Tasks for Service Providers
John O'Brien sets out the basic skills service providers need in order to successfully support people who are at risk of…
Graphic: 25.01.11
Five Basic Tasks
The core competencies of any agency aiming to support people who are at risk social exclusion and devaluation
Inspiration: 25.01.11
Five Tasks of Good Support
Good support means helping people connect and be part of their community.
Paper: 24.01.11
Evaluation of SDS Pilot in Stockport
The University of Chester's evaluation of self-directed support for people with mental health problems in…
Paper: 24.01.11
Recovery Stories
Stories of mental health recovery and self-directed support from Hertfordshire
Slide: 24.01.11
New Script for Social Work
Presentation to social workers in North East Lincolnshire on how to return the social work role to one that is more about…
Slide: 13.01.11
Personalisation & Integration
Presentation given at the Eastern Region's mental health conference on personalisation and the prospects for…
Story: 11.01.11
Adam and his Family are in Control
Adam has returned from an out of area placement to take up life as an active citizen.
Story: 11.01.11
Keith Achieves Citizenship
Keith has been able to move away from institutional living and achieve real citizenship under his own control.
Article: 10.01.11
Don't Monkey with People's Lives
Carl Poll gets to the heart of why the relationship between professionals and citizens can often go so wrong - and what we…
Article: 06.01.11
Citizenship in a Decent Society
Simon Duffy sets out the challenge that treating each other as citizenship sets to a society that aims to be decent
Article: 06.01.11
Connection Not Inclusion
Carl Poll explains the subtle but important difference between connecting and including
Paper: 04.01.11
Active Patient
Vidhya Alakeson's Policy Paper sets out the case for extending the principles of self-direction, and in particular…
Project: 04.01.11
Personalised Transition
How transition should work for families and young people with disabilities.