Hands Off It's My Home Toolkit

A toolkit for auditing support to people with learning disabilities and developing an outcomes-based action plan for citizenship.

Author: Sam Sly

Hands Off It’s My Home! is a successful toolkit now being used by support providers and local authorities across the country for auditing support to people with learning disabilities, and developing an outcomes-based action plan for Citizenship.

The toolkit can be used to ensure support providers (domiciliary care, supported living and housing related) can fully understand the impact on freedoms and citizenship that anything other than the best quality of support will have on people with learning disabilities.

People with learning disabilities should no longer have to put up with ‘quasi-living’ (seeming to be but not really so) and this toolkit should help achieve real lives for people.

The toolkit has recently been updated in response to the coming changes in the Care Quality Commission regulations and standards, and to reflect the concept of Real Wealth which will help support workers understand the breadth of their role. It also now has more links to information that will assist improvement and contains Sam's new contact details. 

Sam is also able to provide training on the use of the toolkit if required.

The publisher is the Centre for Welfare Reform.

Hands Off It's My Home - A Path to Citizenship © Sam Sly 2010.

All Rights Reserved. No part of this paper may be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher except for the quotation of brief passages in reviews.


Paper | 01.10.11

disability, education, housing, intellectual disabilities, social care, Paper

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