Community Engagement

How to work with communities to identify information, advice and assistance for people controlling their own support.

 Authors: Kate Fulton and Claire Winfield

Personalisation requires a community-focused approach that respects and enhances the resources and initiatives developed by local communities. Just as self-directed support requires commitment to encourage and support the capacity of individual citizens, so we must look to communities to provide good support and advice.

Moreover, as this paper outlines, there is already a great deal of expertise and commitment in our local communities: in businesses, charities, faith groups, associations and many more groups. What is required is a process of real community engagement in order to identify and support their involvement. It is exciting to see that even modest amounts of positive effort will lead to important benefits.

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The publisher is the Centre for Welfare Reform. Community Engagement © Kate Fulton and Claire Winfield 2011. All Rights Reserved. No part of this paper may be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher except for the quotation of brief passages in reviews.


Paper | 19.09.11

community, social care, England, Paper

Kate Fulton



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