Publications by date
Publications by date
There are 1630 resources.
Article: 16.03.18
Commonfare: Inclusion and the Commons
Thomas Allan argues that new thinking about the role of the Commons in our shared community life will put the ideal of…
Film: 16.03.18
The Cure for Poverty is Money
Poverty isn't a lack of character it's a lack of cash argues historian Rutger Bregman in his TED film.
Article: 12.03.18
Workers' Rights Versus the Right to Care
UK social policy has created a severe, but unnecessary conflict between the rights of workers and disabled people.
Article: 12.03.18
Behind Relative Poverty
The stories in Relative Poverty address the imbalance of power; Les Monaghan describes the thinking behind his…
Inspiration: 06.03.18
Inclusion Facilitation
Inclusive Solutions have been piloting this work in the last three years, making traditionally clinical plans more…
Inspiration: 06.03.18
Go Deep
The Go Deep Game facilities change at different levels: supporting personal awareness, teamwork, community and…
Film: 01.03.18
Zigmond on CQC and Regulation
David Zigmond is interviewed by Simon Duffy about the conflict he had with CQC and the negative impact of the wrong kind…
Film: 01.03.18
Zigmond on Neoliberalism and the NHS
David Zigmond explains to Simon Duffy what has gone wrong in the NHS as neoliberalism has exploited technological…
Film: 01.03.18
Zigmond on the Human Scale
David Zigmond talks to Simon Duffy about the importance of scale on the NHS if we want to nurture human understanding and…
Film: 01.03.18
Zigmond on Renationalising the NHS
David Zigmond explains to Simon Duffy why renationalising the NHS must be the first step to going back to a more human,…
Film: 01.03.18
Zigmond on Mental Health
David Zigmond talks to Simon Duffy about the importance in true and empathetic understanding in nurturing good mental…
Film: 01.03.18
Zigmond on the Future of the NHS
David Zigmond tells Simon Duffy that a better NHS will be more local, more human and that it involves restoring some of…
Film: 01.03.18
Zigmond on His Books
David Zigmond provides an overview of some his main writings on the NHS and the nature of good pastoral healthcare.
Paper: 27.02.18
Individual Service Funds (ISFs) Guide
A comprehensive guide to using Individual Service Funds (ISFs) to provide personalised support.
Project: 23.02.18
The R Word
Campaign to stop people using the word ‘retard’
Film: 15.02.18
Films from the Centre for Inclusion and Citizenship
A series of films developed by the Centre for Inclusion and Citizenship.
Paper: 14.02.18
A Grounded Theory Study of Disability Benefit Changes
Jessica Saffer carried out doctoral research into the psychological impact of Government changes to the disability…
Film: 12.02.18
Basic Income is About Freedom
Anne van Dalen explains why basic income is about freedom - the chance to explore what you want to do and escape the…
Project: 12.02.18
Carl Poll Scholarship
Assisting people to attend the Manavodaya Institute.
Story: 12.02.18
Government Cuts are Slowly Killing Me
Lorraine Howard describes how the closure of the ILF and cuts in social care in Coventry are slowly killing her.
Article: 10.02.18
The Binary Trap
Alain Catzeflis explores why our commitment to social justice has been in such decline and argues that a new approach…
Article: 07.02.18
Inequality is a Constitutional Issue
The reasons why the UK has become an increasingly unequal society and what we could do to reverse this trend.
Article: 07.02.18
Is Prevention Always Better than the Cure?
David Zigmond interviews a GP about life in the hyper-regulated NHS and explores the relevance of Minority Report.
Article: 23.01.18
Democratising the NHS
Simon Duffy sets out why the latest wave of planned reforms to the NHS must be unacceptable and proposes a democratic…
Reviews: 15.01.18
The Great Troubled Families Fraud
Simon Duffy reviews Professor Gregg's book on the fraud and dishonesty behind the Troubled Families Programme.
Film: 04.01.18
What does it mean to be a citizen?
Here are 5 simple behaviours each of us can engage in everyday to promote citizenship and belonging in our communities…
Project: 04.01.18
Democracy in Sheffield
Reforming the way power operates in local government.
Paper: 03.01.18
Deleted BBC News Item on Unum
In 2007 the BBC reported on the influence that a US insurance company was having on UK policy, in 2010 this item was…
Slide: 03.01.18
Keeping Kids Out of Care
Tim Keilty describes life as an adventurous social worker helping people develop common-sense solutions to avoid…
Article: 14.12.17
Becoming True Citizens
How Bournemouth People First’s LifeLink project is building connections for life by encouraging meaningful…
Graphic: 08.12.17
From Exclusion to Inclusion
From Exclusion to Inclusion
Graphic: 08.12.17
Institutional Spiral
Institutional Spiral
Paper: 07.12.17
Supporting People with Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities
This guide provides key standards to improve the standards of support to people with profound and multiple learning…
Inspiration: 07.12.17
Circle of Adults - process
Inclusive Solutions explain their inclusive problem solving model.
Inspiration: 07.12.17
Community Circles
Inclusive Solutions have created a powerful approach to help communities to come together and create a shared world of…
Paper: 06.12.17
Make A Difference - Support Valued Experiences
John O'Brien has produced a colouring book to be used to help us build a valued life for ourselves or those we care about.
Article: 06.12.17
NHS Must Get Behind Personalised Support
Simon Duffy explains why the NHS must embrace personalised support for people with disabilities and complex needs
Article: 05.12.17
Building Bridges between Refugees and People with Disabilities
Vasilis Kalopisis proposes that if we value inclusion we must do so for everyone & we all benefit from bringing…
Article: 05.12.17
Improving the Keys to Citizenship
Wendy Perez and Simon Duffy are trying to improve the Keys to Citizenship as a model that works for everyone.
Article: 05.12.17
Don't Crowd Out People with Learning Disabilities
Alain Catzeflis argues that people with disabilities are being harmed by bad Government policy and people with…
Paper: 04.12.17
A New Way Home
Frances Brown and John Dalrymple provide practical guidance on a personalised approach to leaving institutions.
Reviews: 13.11.17
Not So Sapiens After All
The trials and tribulations of our Welfare system have deeper and more complex roots than many can imagine. 'Sapiens: A…
Article: 10.11.17
Why the UK Needs a Written Constitution
Gavin Barker on the issues of democratic accountability and the protections we should build into our welfare system.
Article: 08.11.17
Hi Tech With Many Human Hearts
A review of the film Heal the Living weaves a rich tapestry of the emotions and relationships at the edge of life and…
Article: 01.11.17
Manavodaya - A Quiet Revolution
Carl Poll & Varun Vidyarthi describe the quiet revolution of participatory development in Uttar Pradesh, India.
Paper: 25.10.17
Don't Cramp My Style
Simon Cramp is a man with learning difficulties who has made a significant difference to social policy in England.
Paper: 16.10.17
Legal Capacity Restoration (Quip)
This report explores the impact of Quip's work in trying to restore legal capacity to people with intellectual…
Paper: 16.10.17
Promoviendo la educación inclusiva
Este último folleto usa el ejemplo de la provincia canadiense de Nueva Brunswick para ofrecer un marco para…